Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Who is the victim here?

After the Fort Hood terrorism attack (there cannot be any other description of it), I heard from the Mainstream media about "The Alleged shooter" as if there were any doubt that he did it. How many witnesses do they need. They all talked about an Army Major being very particular not to get his name or religious belief (if he had been a white who listened to Rush or Sean it would have been way out front). And now he is considered a "suspect?"
And our president who did not set foot in Fort Hood Friday when he should have but decided to come out tuesday when all the cameras would be on him (sound familiar) said in so many words, forget the victims, we cannot let this interfere with diversity. Who are the victims? As the Commander in Chief of the Army said, "We do not want to have a backlash." What about the victims do they deserve some attention? When does this PC thing stop. How many more shootings and attacks before we take some serious actions.

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