Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Political Correctness Must be upheld

One of the most alarming aspects of the Fort Hood incident that is coming out is the number of associates who have indicated they saw some parts of the perpetrator but were afraid of speaking out due to being called "Racist" or "alarmist" This can be seen in aiports where little old ladies are subjected to body searches while young Muslim men are allowed to proceed without hassle due to fears of "profiling." The Army brass on Sunday seconded the motion by indicating the "diversity" was not to be disturbed.

so now we have a national security that is afraid to proof its own troops lest they be called racist or profiling. How many more incidents like this are we to have? Internal security is as important to us as is national security. Yet we are letting our guard down due to Political correctness and diversity issues. Our enemies such as Iran and Korea must be laughing their heads off now. What kind of nation have we become?

Enough is enough.

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