Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Barry "Chavez" O

It appears that Barry is learning from Chavez, the Venezuelan dictator who figured out how to subvert democracy from within. Very simply, you are the President, you set the rules. That is, You know best and the people be damned. After all You are The One, The messiah, why should they question what you know is right.
He wants the Health Care Takeover so bad he is willing to circumvent the constitution to do so. He wants Cap and Tax, he is presuming an administrative takeover to see it done even if it could not get approved by congress and is hated by the people. If he wants to get it done, he will, the public be damned.
What a great role model. What a lousy end to the greatest country in the history of the world.
How long do we have to put up with this stuff? Of course we must go by the rules of the land (when it is convenient to him).
I cam counting the days down as we speak. Nove 2012 cannot come quick enough.