Friday, August 7, 2009

Time Machine?

Quick what decade are we in? What country is this?
An enemies list is being compiled by the Head Politician of a country
Brownshirts, the Politician's own handpicked thugs, are at rallies intimidating and brutalizing enemies of the regime.
The Head has nationalized several major segments of the economy
His allies want to close down all religious or private schools to keep an educational monopoly and teach only politically correct materials
His secular allies is ready to mount an all out attack on churches and religion
Bonus points if you name the Politician.
Quick. 10 points if you said Nazi Germany. 10 points if you said USA 2009.

It is rather difficult to distinguish between the two isnt it? Sad.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Hypocrisy Squared

If a conservative wanders onto a college stage, chances are he/she will be booed, picketed, thrown pies at, and heckled until unheard. The MSM then say the students are just using their right of free speech towards radicalists.

On the August Democratic Health Care Tour, friendly town hall meetings turned into anything but as hundreds or more protesters showed up to display their feelings --typically not liking it at all--towards the Health Care bills. Here the MSM reported the liberals were being denied their free speech due to the radical right activists. Never mind these town hall meetings were set up secretly to limit the participants to only those supporting the issues, news got out.

So what is free speech. The definition according to liberals is that free speech is good as long as it agrees with what I believe. If there is disagreement, then free speech is not allowed or tolerated.

This used to be called hypocrisy. But do not hold your breath awaiting any remorse from liberals. Theirs is an anything goes world as long as they can reach their goals.