Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Barry "Chavez" O

It appears that Barry is learning from Chavez, the Venezuelan dictator who figured out how to subvert democracy from within. Very simply, you are the President, you set the rules. That is, You know best and the people be damned. After all You are The One, The messiah, why should they question what you know is right.
He wants the Health Care Takeover so bad he is willing to circumvent the constitution to do so. He wants Cap and Tax, he is presuming an administrative takeover to see it done even if it could not get approved by congress and is hated by the people. If he wants to get it done, he will, the public be damned.
What a great role model. What a lousy end to the greatest country in the history of the world.
How long do we have to put up with this stuff? Of course we must go by the rules of the land (when it is convenient to him).
I cam counting the days down as we speak. Nove 2012 cannot come quick enough.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Are we crazy or what?

Health Care Reform:
WE have a bill that no one has read, no one has seen, no one knows what is in it, yet 60 Senators have signed on to approve it. What kind of lunacy is this? If you or I were to sign a contract without reading it, you would declare us fools. Yet that is exactly what 60 Democratic liberal senators are doing.

What is the hurry? Why dont we take the time to do it right. WE have plenty of time.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Head in the Sand

Barry is over in Copenhagen this week for more photo ops. Even though climategate has made any "scientific consensus" illusionary and questionable, even though the US is still going through a great recession, a jobless one at that, even though the Senate twelve years ago said NO to any binding agreement that would deter negatively the US economy, even though a super majority of citizens do not want it and his own party is moving away from it, Barry is bound and determined to sign something and bring it home. Is it arrogance? Hubris? The back of the camel of the American taxpayer is already burdened beyond belief and this will make it worse if not unbearable. What is with it with this guy?
The answer lies in his core beliefs: US is bad, US needs to be more like civilized France, Socialism Progressive Secularism is the order of the day. But more than anything he wants to be loved by his base, his most ardent fans, the ultra liberals which includes the environmentalists. They still love him so he will try to appease them no matter what the consequences are. Now the environmentalists are trying to make us all vegans to "save the planet." Cross over country will not put up with that. And to make matters worst, the EPA, who obviously does not read the paper nor the brewing chaos that is climategate, has decided to unilaterally declare CO2 evil and put major regulations into place. Duh. Do they want to see the rest of what is left of manufacturing leave the US? Someone stomp some sense into their heads.
We have a runaway out of control answerable to no one government. Should we have another 1776? It soon might be no other option.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Atlas Shrugged is already here!!

In Ayn Rand's novel Atlas Shrugged, the hero cried he would stop the engine of the world. And soon enough, the most talented, most hard working citizens disappeared. The end result was chaos.

Well we are seeing microcosms of that today. In several states, medical specialists have disappeared, moved to another state where opportunities are greater and tort liabilities less. California and New York have seen out migration of the rich and successful to lower tax states. Businesses are moving to the south and west to lower tax states. All these events were preordained in Ayn's book. And more can be expected.

What happens if Barry O's dream of a socialist France across the Atlantic is realized. Will the rich continue to work long hard hours while gathering small percentages for their efforts (remember it is marginal income that motivates . .. when 70-80% of every dollar is going to the government, you have got to be either purely community minded or an idiot to work), will entrepreneurs and VCs risk billions of dollars for new start-ups with the labor dominated , regulation intensive, legalless (now that the government has shown that contracts are only as good as Barry believes they are--GM and Chrysler bond holders showed the way) system being set up, will Mom and Pop start up a small business with their life savings especially when they have no idea of what the future beholds? Of course not. The liberals are in La-La land (where most of them live anyway) to believe people will not change their behavior accordingly. And what will occur? Official unemployment in the teens, unofficial unemployment over 20%, a permanent recession, hyperinflation, and a rapid spiral towards third world ism.

But Barry O and his bunch dont care. They would have achieved what they wanted. An equality based system with the Libs in permanent control. Of course, remember what Socialism is: Everybody will be equally bad off.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Who is the victim here?

After the Fort Hood terrorism attack (there cannot be any other description of it), I heard from the Mainstream media about "The Alleged shooter" as if there were any doubt that he did it. How many witnesses do they need. They all talked about an Army Major being very particular not to get his name or religious belief (if he had been a white who listened to Rush or Sean it would have been way out front). And now he is considered a "suspect?"
And our president who did not set foot in Fort Hood Friday when he should have but decided to come out tuesday when all the cameras would be on him (sound familiar) said in so many words, forget the victims, we cannot let this interfere with diversity. Who are the victims? As the Commander in Chief of the Army said, "We do not want to have a backlash." What about the victims do they deserve some attention? When does this PC thing stop. How many more shootings and attacks before we take some serious actions.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Political Correctness Must be upheld

One of the most alarming aspects of the Fort Hood incident that is coming out is the number of associates who have indicated they saw some parts of the perpetrator but were afraid of speaking out due to being called "Racist" or "alarmist" This can be seen in aiports where little old ladies are subjected to body searches while young Muslim men are allowed to proceed without hassle due to fears of "profiling." The Army brass on Sunday seconded the motion by indicating the "diversity" was not to be disturbed.

so now we have a national security that is afraid to proof its own troops lest they be called racist or profiling. How many more incidents like this are we to have? Internal security is as important to us as is national security. Yet we are letting our guard down due to Political correctness and diversity issues. Our enemies such as Iran and Korea must be laughing their heads off now. What kind of nation have we become?

Enough is enough.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Whiner In Chief

When you were young do you remember the neighborhood kid who owned the bat and baseball when you played ball? Remember what happened when he lost? He took his bat and ball and went home. In other words, as long as he was winning he would play.

Well we have a whiner-in-chief. Remember what he told his Republican opposites at a White house meeting, I won. That is, since I won, you must do it my way. Well it worked for a while. Now that his popularity is down and he has had some losses, he is frustrated and whinning. After all, everybody loves me. They adore me. They should do what I tell them to do. And when they don't, he has a temper tandrum. They are being Racist. They hate me because I am black. They are opposing me because of my race.

Rush limbaugh. sean hannity. Fox news. The list grows long. If they do not agree with me, they must be my enemy. Accustomed to adoration and love by the media, he cannot project nor accept a media that does not love him. If one exists, it is because they are either Racist or biased or not a real newsworthy organization. The thought of having a true discussion over the issues does not cross his mind. It is his way or the highway. And as president (not mine I emphasize) he has powers to coerce and intimidate. Many have fallen (AMA, Health care organizations for example) as a result and Finlandized they support him tokenly. But despite all others stand firm. And he cannot stand that. Any opposition or opposing view must be attacked, persecuted, and punished. For he is the one and all should love him.

How much longer do we have to put up with this toddler imitating a president? How much damage will he inflict on our country before it is over? I just hope I am still here to see the aftermath.