Saturday, September 26, 2009

Obscene profits

History tells us whenever a formerly governmental entity or enterprise has been privatized, citizens can expect 3 things from it: a reduction in cost, higher efficency and effectiveness, and satisfactory profits from the enterprise (some of which will go to the government in form of taxes and fees).
History also tells us that inevitably when liberals or leftists get in charge, they will start screaming about "obscene profits" and want to nationalize the efforts. (To liberals ANY profits are obscene as if the service is essential--that is you need it as most anything is--it should be provided freely and as a non-profit motive to the masses). So it is nationalized and the "profits" are confiscated and "return to the public." and per usual governmental inefficiencies, costs twice as much to provide at half the efficiency as a private enterprise would do.
Right now Government is involved in nationalization efforts for Student Loans as well as for the Health Industry. They decry the "Private Profits" being made and indicate that by nationalizing, the country will "save" 100 Billion dollars a year that otherwise would have gone into "obscene profits." Well yes, after they get done with it, no profits will be made. But the savings? Let's see . .. student defaults, inefficencies, slow customer service, budget costs . . . by the time they get done it will cost 200 billion dollars a year.
It reminds me of the one summer a Southern College decided to cut costs by reducing summer school . . . they save $250,000 by doing so but forfeited $425,000 in revenues they would have otherwise received. Only in government would this be considered appropriate action.
It is not about profits. For the left, it is about control and power. They want it all. Their best scenario is one where NO profits are being made because EVERYTHING is government owned. Then they will have total control and power. the country will be a third world mess but they will own it. . . which is in final is what they want.
Remember . . . Socialism is where Everyone is Equally bad off. And the left wants everyone to be equal . . .no matter at what costs to the country as a whole.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Barack "All You Need is Love" Obama

BO's speech to the UN was a classic rendition of the Beatles Hit, "All You Need is Love." He basically said lets all get together, sing KumBaYah, Hold Hands, and be nice to each other and the world will be saved. The audience loved it. No longer did they have Bush to fear. BO got his standing ovation and the adoration he thrives on. And everything was still the same. Barry and his boys believe that if you are just nice to everyone and give them a few billion dollars (or tens or hundreds of billions, what the heck it is just money), everyone will love them. Or give a way the store, give Russia Georgia, who wants it anyway, we want the big boys to love us (that is, love me and if I am loved, everything will be alright)

Just one problem, the world does not operate the way it does in Barry's fantasy world. Iran, Russia, North Korea, Venezuela, see Barry not from love but from weakness. They will continue to press him. And he will continue to give way. His belief is that by making nice to bullies, they will eventually learn to love him, change their ways, and the world will be a better place. Just as Chamberlain in 1938. He came back from Czechoslavakia love by the world, and especially Hitler. He changed the world, see what happened in 1939. It took millions of lives and 6 years to correct his error. What will it take to change Barry's starry eyed view of reality? How many of our citizens will die before he realizes (if ever) his err? Will the nation ever recover from its volumious set of apologies and withdraws in 2009?

I am counting down the days until BO is forcefully retired in 2012. Are you? And will it even matter by then?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Barak Animal House Obama

BO, the chosen one, the messiah, reminds me of a scene in animal house, the movie. The bad fraternity is initiating its new members. The senior members are paddling the plebes. After each paddle, the new members say, "Thank you sir, may I please have another."
I cannot help but think of BO and his foreign policy disasters. He takes a hit in the rear from Russia, gives up Czech and Poland and politely gets blindsided again. He must have Masochistic tendencies. He must feel so bad about the USA, that it is so evil, that he wants us punished.
"Please sir, may I have another." as he turns the other cheek, hoping that his act of kindness will be reciprocated. And as he does so, the bully hits him again. I just wonder how long it will be before he finally understands bullies only respect strength, not weakness.
Three and a half more years. BUt will we survive that long with him at the throttle. BO must realize this is not a game. This is not Academia with all the nice theories of political science, human behavior, and gamemanship. This is real life. This is the real world and 350 Million Americans are going to be casualties of his ineptness.
Oh well, how many more days to go?