Wednesday, September 3, 2008

S*** Happens

There is a saying S*** Happens, meaning bad things occur.
It is a matter of character, judgment, and fortitude how one responds when bad things happen.
For example, 9/11 spurred Bush on to Afganistan and Iraq and taking the war to Al Quaeda. An Al Gore or BO might well have discussed why they would have wanted to have done that and what we did to incite them and what can we do to make it better--that is lots of talk and self guilt.

Sarah Palin and her daughter who is pregnant out of wedlock. Pro-life, pro-family. It happened but we stick together as a family and will love the child. BO on the other hand would have thought first of abortion and choice.

When bad things happen, that tells a lot about who you are and what you believe in.

2012 The Real Key Election

Forget 2008. McCain and Palin will rock. It is likely that McCain may bow out after one term. If so, Palin becomes the key player and likely candidate. Her probable democratic opponent: Hillary. Can you imagine Hillary vs Sarah. This will be the race that will transform America. The first woman president for sure.


If Obama wins, and the Democratic (oops I mean Socialist) Party gains enough to be fillibuster proof, the first order of business will be to change the name of the country to the United States Socialist Republics for the democratic platform is for all practical purposes a socialist one.

1) Nationalize health care run and controlled by the government
2) Income redistribution on a massive scale
3) Major control of economy and all economic units
4) Major controls on an individual freedoms
5) Establishment of a new state religion, . . that of the secular progressive
6) Freedom of Speech will be revised . . . as long as someone agrees with them it is permissible but as soon as a conservative thought is spoken, it can not be allowed
7) Major new controls on environment

Just think USSR and OBama. they go toggehter like Oreos an Milk