Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Minnesota shame on you

Results were finally announced and Al F. (F can stand for a lot of things) was declared the winner. This guy is worthless and could not run a hot dog stand let alone be a senator. Just goes to show how worthless Minnesota has to be to vote him in. He was never funny, always irritating and stupid, and I can only imagine what he will be like on the Senate floor. . . stand up comedy anyone? Seriously, this is not funny anymore. The US is going to the dogs and Al F stands for everything that is wrong with it. Wake me when this nightmare is over.

Friday, June 26, 2009

And i thought things could not get worse

Never in the history of the world has so few (Liberals) produced a law that taxed so great, eliminated industries wholesale, millions of jobs to be cast away, and with the capability of utterly destroying what remains of the American economy for so little in return. That's right, Cap and Trade. In the middle of a recession that does not have an end, we are going to see the floor disappear in the economy. Coal must go. Nuclear never started. And all in and bet the farm on renewable energy sources. Cows, pigs, and chickens must go and we all must become Vegans. Gas . . . someday you will dream of what $3.00/gallon must have been like. Energy has become nationalized and all of this so the climate will not raise by 1/100 of a degree within 50 years. Of course, China, india, and Russia are not bound by it and will continue to pollute to their heart's content. But what the hey, the liberals like to soothe their consciences, and damn the consequences. The environmentalists got what they wanted, total chaos and a reversion to the village people.
A cabin in the middle of the woods looks better and better. For whatever long what is left of the USA goes.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Sad end for a great Country

yesterday, June 9, 2009 will be long recognized as the end of the United States of America and the beginning of the new United Socialist States of America. Even the Supreme Court as the final bulwark of democracy punted the ball and ignored the constitution. One final opportunity existed to support the constitution, to uphold the dignity of over two centuries of law. The Chrysler bailout/bankruptcy/union take over. The Government rolling over the existing statutes of contract law to make politically expidient conditions. In essence, even the Supremes decided that Barry and his gang could do what they wanted, whenever they wanted, to whomever, not withstanding contracts and existing law.

The Old America is gone. What investor or company in their right mind will invest in bonds or other debentures that (although by law) have priority over all other debt when the good Old USSA can overturn law in any fashion they wish. Payoff the unions and politically connected factions. Screw the bondholders, they are only the rich and greedy (despite the Indiana pension funds nonetheless). GM is next and this will only be worse. And still to come unknown others would will be treated this way.

Who says the recession is over. I expect it to last and last and last. Only companies and private enterprise provide real working jobs (Oh, the only segment in the US economy to gain jobs over the last 6 months has been government . . . they do not provide wealth merely redistribute it). With taxes up, regulation up, oversight up, who can foresee months in the future let alone years it takes to make investment decisions.

Oh. I can foresee several trends in the years to come. Continued economic hard times for all working (e.g. non-governmental) workers, especially for businesspersons and owners (those greedy rich ones who are barely getting by), and high and rising inflation and interest rates. Buckle down America it is going to get far rougher far sooner than anyone expected.