Thursday, July 26, 2007

THere are HEROES and there are heroes

Heroes. Is it just me or is anyone else upset at the way the term HEROES has been misappropriated. In today's news, it was reported that Michael VICK was noted as a hero to the community. We idolize sports and entertainment celebrities and indicate they are 'heroes" to us. What does it mean to be a hero?

Back in the old,old days when words actually had meaning and we adhered to those meaning (Not the alice in Wonderland current era where words mean what I want them to mean), a hero represented one who died or put his/her life on the line in an act of bravery or attempting to save another. Our fathers and grandfathers were heros in war. The firefighters on 9/11 were heroes and every bit desired the title by their actions on that fateful day. Ordinary citizens who dive in after drowning citizens, sometimes dying in their attempt to save the person, are real live heroes. Someone who thwarts a robbery or mugging by risking his life or grave injury, is a hero. ANd it is not merely physical danger but actual danger to one's career, livelihood, or personal wealth that can qualify for herodom. A politician who stands up for what he believes in face of criticism, possible censor by his colleagues, pressure by his party, can be thought of as a hero as he certainly risks all in doing so.

By a sports hero who has never known adversity. One might say you want to grow up to be like that sports star but unless he was a Jackie Robinson who did risk his life and reputation, certainly not a hero.

Let us return to true English and call the action by its rightful title. Save Hero and Heroes for special situations and actions.

P.S. addendum: Michael Vicks, renown Atlanta Falcon quarterback and animal rights champion (sic!!). The NAACP and the SCLC are calling him a 'hero" If I cannot find a more fitting example to back up my concern, he is it. What has he ever done to deserve the title? Doesn't this action desegrate the term for all those men and women who gave their lives for this country?

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