Friday, July 20, 2007


If you are like me, you are already tired of all the poltical campaigning going on for President, fifteen months before the main event. You have by now probably tuned out most of the candiates' comments. Are you tired of partisian rhetoric. That is, Republicans claim business is all and government should be minimal; Democrats say government is the cure all and business is all bad. Democrats lay all the world's problems on Bush while Republicans indicate Democrats are the problem. Why can't we find a middle ground. That is, recognizing that the right answer is somewhere in the middle. I offer this blog as my opinions on solving the problems that haunt America today. We know there is a health crisis, an education crisis, an Middle east crisis but no consensus exists to look at these from an objective non-partisian viewpoint. This I propose to do with my blog.
Your comments are welcome and encouraged.


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