Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Global Warming Fact or Fiction

Is Global Warming real? Current PC says that it is an already established fact. But is it really?

Let us start at the beginning. The Earth's climate is always in a state of flux. It is either warming or colling but rarely is it static? OVer the last two thousand years we have seen little ice ages, warming, and ups and downs. Greenland was green in1000 because it was unusally warmer than now. Several little ice ages since then had caused "years without summer." So variances are not the rarity but the norm. Seas rising? In fact, with the cycles of glaciers over the last million years, we are close to being overdue for an ice age rather than a flood.

What does science say? The PC view is that global warming is already been established. But closer esamination indicates the argument is not so closed and settled. Even proponents argue about the effects. Let us just say that anobjective view would not past muster.

The rreal question is what is the effed of human on climate? Even this is disputed.

My major concern with global warming is not the recyling, the efforts to increase fuel efficiency, but the preset beliefs of the greens. In the latest efforts before congress, nuclear energy was conveniently ignored as an alternative as well as clean coal. The Kyoto agreement spouted by the Greens as the solution conveniently leaves out CHina and India, the top two polluters. The environmentalists major thrust is to eliminate cars and return to the America of the nineteenth century. How many of us would really want that?

I have no objection to efficiency as long as it is rationale and cost efficient.

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