Monday, July 23, 2007

Securing Our Borders Immigration Part I

The recent debate in Congress was basically over the Administration and senior Congressional leaders trying to ramp a bill down the throat of Americans that was not wanted. Congress acted in an unusually responsible and responsive mode and correctly discarded the flawed bill. Americans are not racist nor bigoted and wish to act on the immigration issue (not crisis but issue). There seems to be a consensus brewing that before any "comprehensive" immigration act can be passed, we must first secure our borders. This should have been done five or six years ago as a response to 9/11 but the political hot potato that it was stalled the efforts. It clearly needs to be addressed now, not swept under the rug until a new administration.

My proposal:
1) What is wrong with a two layer fence along the southern frontier extending from the Pacific to the Gulf? Spend a billion, two, three or more. We must begin to control the flow of illegals into this country.
2) Double or triple the border patrol as needed. Spare no expense. Remember the number one objective is to secure the borders and not to allow ANY unaauthorized visitor to this country. This is a national security issue.
3. Create a hundred yard wide zone around the southern border where no buildings except custom and border patrol exist. Of late numerous tunnels have been constructed. This zone would make such efforts difficult. Additionally, electronic sensing equipment can be placed throughout the perimeter to :listen" for such tunnel digging efforts. Part of the securing the border includes interdiction of drugs, weapons, and black market items to the US through such tunnels
4. Upon apprehension, all illegals would be finger printed, identified, entered into a data base and then immediately returned to their country of origin. No more "release upon own recognition to return for trial" when you know they wil not do so.
5. Outlaw "sanctuary" cities. Federal law trumps local ordinances. If they are in the US illegally, they are breaking the law and should not be shielded from the law.
6. If an illegal is caught breaking the law, they should be convicted and immediately deported upon execution of sentence. No second chances. Too many reports of multiple felons being given another chance and then committing another crime.
7. A guest worker program for industries such as agriculture should be immediately implemented
8. Companies must be held responsible for hiring illegals. Many just look the other way. A federal program which allows HR workers to enter social security or Driver License numbers and allows for cross reference names and numbers should be established. It should be obvious that an young Hispanic male presenting a Social security card with the ssn of a sixty year old white female is providing false data (and should be held for the immigration officials)
9. What the US needs is educated, intellectual immigrants not the tens of millions of illiterate, uneducated, non-English speakers that try to cross the border each year. If a Foreign National with a Masters degree or above or a bachelors degree in a critical industry (one with a shortage of workers such as Nursing is currently), they should be approved at once and provided for an appropriate VISA (after background check). These are the types of skilled educated workers we want to have and should encourage to immigrate to the US
10. No illegal alien should be hired unless everty effort has been made to hire an American citizen. It is absolute poppycock that "Americans dont want these jobs." The reality is that many Americans do not want these jobs at the WAGE and Benefits many companies offer. If Hispanics would work for $5.00 per hour and no benefits but Americans balk at that rate but would for $10 plus benefits, does that mean no Americans want that job? That excuse cannot hold. In recent cases where INS have raided and removed hundreds of illegals, the next day a thousand American workers were in queue for interviews. This is not the case.
11. The definition of an American citizen should be changed. Currently, a baby born on US soil automatically becomes a US citizen. Too many examples exist of illegal pregnant mothers crossing the border, having their babies, which become automatic citizens and then applying for citizenship as their mother. This is gaming the system. A better definition is a child which has at least one American citizen for a parent.
12. Illegals should not be eligible for social services such as unemployment, medicaid, WIC, social security , welfare, etc. If they are here illegally they should not be taking resources away from American citizens who need them.. Certainly some examples of illegals being eligible for instate college tuition rates while American citizens are denied the same rates must be altered accordingly.
13. For those illegally in this country, to be eligible for citizenship, they need to a) learn to read and write American english at a sixth grade proficiency level, b) learn the history and culture of the US, c) have an established job with a company that must prove cannot find an American citizen to work there (and not any BS as noted in point 10, a major effort must be established), or if self employed must produce previous receipts and tax forms indicating self-sufficiency for the worker and his/her family, a willingness to take oath of allegiance to the US inEnglish, and initially forfeit any citizenship efforts for the immediate family.
14. Any Foreign National who volunteers to serve in the US Armed Forces for a 4 year tour of duty (with additional reserve time afterwards), who receives an honorable dischaarge, or who distinguishes himself/herself in combat should automatically receive citizenship as a reward for serving his new country.
15. Students who come to the US for a college degree upon graduation will receive VISA status, those who graduate with masters or doctoral degrees gain the additional advantage of being offered immediate citizenship.

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