Sunday, December 20, 2009

Are we crazy or what?

Health Care Reform:
WE have a bill that no one has read, no one has seen, no one knows what is in it, yet 60 Senators have signed on to approve it. What kind of lunacy is this? If you or I were to sign a contract without reading it, you would declare us fools. Yet that is exactly what 60 Democratic liberal senators are doing.

What is the hurry? Why dont we take the time to do it right. WE have plenty of time.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Head in the Sand

Barry is over in Copenhagen this week for more photo ops. Even though climategate has made any "scientific consensus" illusionary and questionable, even though the US is still going through a great recession, a jobless one at that, even though the Senate twelve years ago said NO to any binding agreement that would deter negatively the US economy, even though a super majority of citizens do not want it and his own party is moving away from it, Barry is bound and determined to sign something and bring it home. Is it arrogance? Hubris? The back of the camel of the American taxpayer is already burdened beyond belief and this will make it worse if not unbearable. What is with it with this guy?
The answer lies in his core beliefs: US is bad, US needs to be more like civilized France, Socialism Progressive Secularism is the order of the day. But more than anything he wants to be loved by his base, his most ardent fans, the ultra liberals which includes the environmentalists. They still love him so he will try to appease them no matter what the consequences are. Now the environmentalists are trying to make us all vegans to "save the planet." Cross over country will not put up with that. And to make matters worst, the EPA, who obviously does not read the paper nor the brewing chaos that is climategate, has decided to unilaterally declare CO2 evil and put major regulations into place. Duh. Do they want to see the rest of what is left of manufacturing leave the US? Someone stomp some sense into their heads.
We have a runaway out of control answerable to no one government. Should we have another 1776? It soon might be no other option.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Atlas Shrugged is already here!!

In Ayn Rand's novel Atlas Shrugged, the hero cried he would stop the engine of the world. And soon enough, the most talented, most hard working citizens disappeared. The end result was chaos.

Well we are seeing microcosms of that today. In several states, medical specialists have disappeared, moved to another state where opportunities are greater and tort liabilities less. California and New York have seen out migration of the rich and successful to lower tax states. Businesses are moving to the south and west to lower tax states. All these events were preordained in Ayn's book. And more can be expected.

What happens if Barry O's dream of a socialist France across the Atlantic is realized. Will the rich continue to work long hard hours while gathering small percentages for their efforts (remember it is marginal income that motivates . .. when 70-80% of every dollar is going to the government, you have got to be either purely community minded or an idiot to work), will entrepreneurs and VCs risk billions of dollars for new start-ups with the labor dominated , regulation intensive, legalless (now that the government has shown that contracts are only as good as Barry believes they are--GM and Chrysler bond holders showed the way) system being set up, will Mom and Pop start up a small business with their life savings especially when they have no idea of what the future beholds? Of course not. The liberals are in La-La land (where most of them live anyway) to believe people will not change their behavior accordingly. And what will occur? Official unemployment in the teens, unofficial unemployment over 20%, a permanent recession, hyperinflation, and a rapid spiral towards third world ism.

But Barry O and his bunch dont care. They would have achieved what they wanted. An equality based system with the Libs in permanent control. Of course, remember what Socialism is: Everybody will be equally bad off.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Who is the victim here?

After the Fort Hood terrorism attack (there cannot be any other description of it), I heard from the Mainstream media about "The Alleged shooter" as if there were any doubt that he did it. How many witnesses do they need. They all talked about an Army Major being very particular not to get his name or religious belief (if he had been a white who listened to Rush or Sean it would have been way out front). And now he is considered a "suspect?"
And our president who did not set foot in Fort Hood Friday when he should have but decided to come out tuesday when all the cameras would be on him (sound familiar) said in so many words, forget the victims, we cannot let this interfere with diversity. Who are the victims? As the Commander in Chief of the Army said, "We do not want to have a backlash." What about the victims do they deserve some attention? When does this PC thing stop. How many more shootings and attacks before we take some serious actions.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Political Correctness Must be upheld

One of the most alarming aspects of the Fort Hood incident that is coming out is the number of associates who have indicated they saw some parts of the perpetrator but were afraid of speaking out due to being called "Racist" or "alarmist" This can be seen in aiports where little old ladies are subjected to body searches while young Muslim men are allowed to proceed without hassle due to fears of "profiling." The Army brass on Sunday seconded the motion by indicating the "diversity" was not to be disturbed.

so now we have a national security that is afraid to proof its own troops lest they be called racist or profiling. How many more incidents like this are we to have? Internal security is as important to us as is national security. Yet we are letting our guard down due to Political correctness and diversity issues. Our enemies such as Iran and Korea must be laughing their heads off now. What kind of nation have we become?

Enough is enough.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Whiner In Chief

When you were young do you remember the neighborhood kid who owned the bat and baseball when you played ball? Remember what happened when he lost? He took his bat and ball and went home. In other words, as long as he was winning he would play.

Well we have a whiner-in-chief. Remember what he told his Republican opposites at a White house meeting, I won. That is, since I won, you must do it my way. Well it worked for a while. Now that his popularity is down and he has had some losses, he is frustrated and whinning. After all, everybody loves me. They adore me. They should do what I tell them to do. And when they don't, he has a temper tandrum. They are being Racist. They hate me because I am black. They are opposing me because of my race.

Rush limbaugh. sean hannity. Fox news. The list grows long. If they do not agree with me, they must be my enemy. Accustomed to adoration and love by the media, he cannot project nor accept a media that does not love him. If one exists, it is because they are either Racist or biased or not a real newsworthy organization. The thought of having a true discussion over the issues does not cross his mind. It is his way or the highway. And as president (not mine I emphasize) he has powers to coerce and intimidate. Many have fallen (AMA, Health care organizations for example) as a result and Finlandized they support him tokenly. But despite all others stand firm. And he cannot stand that. Any opposition or opposing view must be attacked, persecuted, and punished. For he is the one and all should love him.

How much longer do we have to put up with this toddler imitating a president? How much damage will he inflict on our country before it is over? I just hope I am still here to see the aftermath.

A Leader --of what?

This week was notable for two events: the terrible tragedy at Fort Hood and the Liberals assault on our freedom by passing the health care reform act, the "Government takeover of Healthcare act."
Where was our beloved Leader, the self described messiah, Barry O.? Any true leader would have immediately flown to Texas to be with the Fort Hood family in this calamity. Any true leader would have shut down Congress so we could mourn. But not Barry. He and his boys of the Socialist inclination were so engrossed in changing America, they were in Washington. That should tell us of the priorities he has. Forget America, forget the calamities, forget the military, go after Socialism and Control and Power. That is first and foremost on his mind.
Shouldnt this tell us something about his character and his priorities (as if we did not know it after nearly two years). Is this how a Leader should act? Of course not. Who ever said Barry was a leader? He isnt and never was and never will be. His whole purpose in life is to be loved and adored and admired by his fans. Not to lead.

Perhaps he is in a sense leading us . . . to his promised land of equality among all, of European style Socialism and World non-power. I for one do not want to be lead like sheep to the slaughter for his own skewed world view.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Earth to Barry: listen to what people are saying to you

Barry loves Small businesses. He knows he needs them to create jobs. so he is making a special plea to them. Offering them lots of government goodies and incentives. In his mind, that is acknowledging their importance. But he is hearing back (at least they are telling him, not that he is hearing it) that the best thing he can do for them is to get government off their backs, make life easier, less regulation and taxation, and let us do our businesses they way we know best.
That is not registering with Barry and the boys. Their hearing aid only allows one form of communication in: more government. The thought of less government is tuned out. How can they not want government aid. Dont we all agree government is good and the more government the better? What kind of people are they? He is dumbfounded and wonders why small businesses are not applauding his offers.
Listen Barry. Listen. Put aside your prejudices and listen to what they are saying. And then act upon it.
The rest of your term of president can be either great for you or a meat grinder. Right now, your popularity is falling to unprecedented lows, your party has taken a major loss at the polls, and Congress is running straight into a minefield. Listen to them. Get government off their backs. They do not want more government programs, just less government. The choice is yours. how your term (not terms if you do not listen) ends up is your choice.
The people have spoken.

The Fanatic

The definition of a Fanatic is one who when he knows he has lost and has no chance of winning redoubles his efforts.

Sounds like another definition for Barry and the boys. They seem to be in a major disconnect to ordinary Americans (ordinary for them means citizens from Crossover country who are nothing whatsoever like the liberal elite from the bicoastal weirdness.) Did not they listen in August when the tea parties and representative meetings told the administration and Congress very clearly 1) They wanted priority placed on the economy and jobs and 2) No more big government (which included health care reform and cap and trade energy control). So like regular liberals whose hearing aids are turned off, they went back and preceded to double up on those issues. In November on election day, they got trounced and exit polls spoke clearly, confirming those August announcements. And like any good liberal, they went and doubled up.

Do they not hear what people are saying? Do they even care (obviously not)? Liberals in general only listen to what other liberal elites say. The "Silent Majority" of Crossover country Americans do not count, being hackeyed, rural uneducated, conservatives preoccupied with guns and religion. No, the liberal elites think they know best and damn it, it is their way or the highway. Well this time it looks like they are going to get their wish: the highway only they are the ones heading out of town not the middle americans.

Serves them right.

History Lesson

Excerpt from Manuscript found in ruins
"In the End times there was a ruler named Barry.
He ruled over the people with an iron closed mind.
He and his followers said, "Let there be a Health Care policy for all"
and the people said "We want jobs and the economy to be better."
But Barry said, "I know what is best for you. We must have a big government, spend trillions of dollars, Own Health Care, Energy, and most businesses."
and the people said "We want to run our own lives. We know what is best for us."
But Barry said, "I am an elite. I am well educated. I know what is best for you. You are just peons too self absorbed in your own petty lives to know what the world should be like. We know and you should shut up and let us make decisions for you."
and the people said, "give us a break. We are smarter than you think. We know what is best for us."
But Barry said, "Government is good. business is bad. Government should make decisions about health, energy, pay, everything. We, the elite, knows what is best for you. We want everybody to be equal."
and the people said, "You are not hearing us. We said it clearly in August. We said it clearly in November: "Let us be free and make our own decisions."
But Barry said, "But if you do what you want, you will not do what we the Elites know what is best. You will use Gas and Coal not solar and wind. You will eat meat not vegetables. You will drive cars not bike or mass transit. We know what is best for you. Listen to us. We are the Elites. We care about you, you poor dumb uneducated crossover Americans with your guns, your religion, your big cars. "
and the people said, "Be gone. Twice we spoke and twice you did not listen. Three strikes and you are out."
And Fire and Brimstone struck all of Barry's followers and Barry and they were struck down and removed from office.
But Barry said dazed as he left the Big house "But We know what is best. Why did not they listen to us. We are the elite."
and the people said, "Let us be free once again to do as we want how we want when we want."
And there was peace and prosperity once again, until years later when the People let their guard down and forgot the lessons of the past, a new Barry arose.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Barry Plays the Orphan

Ever heard the story about the man who shot his parents and threw himself on the mercy of the court by saying he was an orphan? Well we have another case.

Barry and the Boys have been spending money like a bunch of drunken sailors and the hangover is yet to come . . . 800 billion for stimulus, a trillion or two for financial institutions, deficits in the trillions of dollars, let alone the cost for health care and cap and trade. And one day, just recently, it has dawned on him that all this spending can be unhealthy and creates a huge deficit. So he has issued a debt reduction emergency.

Wanna bet on what he decides to do? Cut spending? Ha. Raise taxes. The poor old government does not get enough money from those rich people. It needs more and more and more. They are not paying their fair share. What exactly is their fair share anyway? 50 percent? 60 percent? Under FDR, tax rates reached 90+ %. And we know how well the economy did. Doesn't Barry O ever read history? Or does he merely believe in his own arrogant grandoise ability to change the course of a country.

Perhaps he should take a step backwards and start cutting instead of adding. But Barry will not be satisfied until 100% of the economy is government produced and every employee is a government employee. ANd of course we will all be broke and penniless. But he will be out of office well before then and it will be someone else's problem, probably a Republican forced to clean up his messes.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Peter Principle

In the Peter Principle, one anecdote I distinctly remember is "Concentrate on the little things, the big things will take care of themselves" from one of the iron rules of incompetence. What brings this to mind is our beloved Leader's (Barry and the Boys) spin on Afghanistan and any other international problem. He cant make up his mind on what to do. On one hand, if he is aggressive, he takes the risk of angering his friends on the far, far, left. But if he pulls out too quickly he breaks a major campaign promise. So far, all he wants to do is vote "Present." and hope the problem goes away on its own. So instead of concentrating on resolving the international issues (Afganistan, Iran), he concentrates on the little things that is important: his dog's birthday party, among other items. I believe the Peter Principle was the one book written about Barry that is absolutely true.
Hey, I did not vote for him. Half of America was besmidden by his good looks, his charm, his oratory abilities, the prospect of America's first black president and did not look past the exterior to see what was inside. If they had they would have found no backbone, no spine, no gut, and obviously only half a brain. How many more years do we have? Counting down the days and hoping we can make it to 2012 in one piece.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Barack wins Olympic medal for "Being There"

I must be from the old school. I always believed you earned a prize or medal. For example you had to compete and beat a bunch to win the Olympic gold. To win the medal of honor or Purple Heart you had to do something really special like save a ship or your platoon of men. When I received my diplomas I had to work hard to get them, pass many tests and courses. But of course that was then, now it must be in to simply be there to be awarded a prize or medal.And then one has to be a great football player to earn an Heisman.

Nowadays all you have to do is show up. Barack got the Peace Prize for what? What accomplishment has he ever completed let alone something great? This is media and idolatry at its worse. The nobel committee needs to be reviewed Perhaps we can ship the UN to Sweden and let both deliberate forever. What a sham.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Obscene profits

History tells us whenever a formerly governmental entity or enterprise has been privatized, citizens can expect 3 things from it: a reduction in cost, higher efficency and effectiveness, and satisfactory profits from the enterprise (some of which will go to the government in form of taxes and fees).
History also tells us that inevitably when liberals or leftists get in charge, they will start screaming about "obscene profits" and want to nationalize the efforts. (To liberals ANY profits are obscene as if the service is essential--that is you need it as most anything is--it should be provided freely and as a non-profit motive to the masses). So it is nationalized and the "profits" are confiscated and "return to the public." and per usual governmental inefficiencies, costs twice as much to provide at half the efficiency as a private enterprise would do.
Right now Government is involved in nationalization efforts for Student Loans as well as for the Health Industry. They decry the "Private Profits" being made and indicate that by nationalizing, the country will "save" 100 Billion dollars a year that otherwise would have gone into "obscene profits." Well yes, after they get done with it, no profits will be made. But the savings? Let's see . .. student defaults, inefficencies, slow customer service, budget costs . . . by the time they get done it will cost 200 billion dollars a year.
It reminds me of the one summer a Southern College decided to cut costs by reducing summer school . . . they save $250,000 by doing so but forfeited $425,000 in revenues they would have otherwise received. Only in government would this be considered appropriate action.
It is not about profits. For the left, it is about control and power. They want it all. Their best scenario is one where NO profits are being made because EVERYTHING is government owned. Then they will have total control and power. the country will be a third world mess but they will own it. . . which is in final is what they want.
Remember . . . Socialism is where Everyone is Equally bad off. And the left wants everyone to be equal . . .no matter at what costs to the country as a whole.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Barack "All You Need is Love" Obama

BO's speech to the UN was a classic rendition of the Beatles Hit, "All You Need is Love." He basically said lets all get together, sing KumBaYah, Hold Hands, and be nice to each other and the world will be saved. The audience loved it. No longer did they have Bush to fear. BO got his standing ovation and the adoration he thrives on. And everything was still the same. Barry and his boys believe that if you are just nice to everyone and give them a few billion dollars (or tens or hundreds of billions, what the heck it is just money), everyone will love them. Or give a way the store, give Russia Georgia, who wants it anyway, we want the big boys to love us (that is, love me and if I am loved, everything will be alright)

Just one problem, the world does not operate the way it does in Barry's fantasy world. Iran, Russia, North Korea, Venezuela, see Barry not from love but from weakness. They will continue to press him. And he will continue to give way. His belief is that by making nice to bullies, they will eventually learn to love him, change their ways, and the world will be a better place. Just as Chamberlain in 1938. He came back from Czechoslavakia love by the world, and especially Hitler. He changed the world, see what happened in 1939. It took millions of lives and 6 years to correct his error. What will it take to change Barry's starry eyed view of reality? How many of our citizens will die before he realizes (if ever) his err? Will the nation ever recover from its volumious set of apologies and withdraws in 2009?

I am counting down the days until BO is forcefully retired in 2012. Are you? And will it even matter by then?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Barak Animal House Obama

BO, the chosen one, the messiah, reminds me of a scene in animal house, the movie. The bad fraternity is initiating its new members. The senior members are paddling the plebes. After each paddle, the new members say, "Thank you sir, may I please have another."
I cannot help but think of BO and his foreign policy disasters. He takes a hit in the rear from Russia, gives up Czech and Poland and politely gets blindsided again. He must have Masochistic tendencies. He must feel so bad about the USA, that it is so evil, that he wants us punished.
"Please sir, may I have another." as he turns the other cheek, hoping that his act of kindness will be reciprocated. And as he does so, the bully hits him again. I just wonder how long it will be before he finally understands bullies only respect strength, not weakness.
Three and a half more years. BUt will we survive that long with him at the throttle. BO must realize this is not a game. This is not Academia with all the nice theories of political science, human behavior, and gamemanship. This is real life. This is the real world and 350 Million Americans are going to be casualties of his ineptness.
Oh well, how many more days to go?

Friday, August 7, 2009

Time Machine?

Quick what decade are we in? What country is this?
An enemies list is being compiled by the Head Politician of a country
Brownshirts, the Politician's own handpicked thugs, are at rallies intimidating and brutalizing enemies of the regime.
The Head has nationalized several major segments of the economy
His allies want to close down all religious or private schools to keep an educational monopoly and teach only politically correct materials
His secular allies is ready to mount an all out attack on churches and religion
Bonus points if you name the Politician.
Quick. 10 points if you said Nazi Germany. 10 points if you said USA 2009.

It is rather difficult to distinguish between the two isnt it? Sad.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Hypocrisy Squared

If a conservative wanders onto a college stage, chances are he/she will be booed, picketed, thrown pies at, and heckled until unheard. The MSM then say the students are just using their right of free speech towards radicalists.

On the August Democratic Health Care Tour, friendly town hall meetings turned into anything but as hundreds or more protesters showed up to display their feelings --typically not liking it at all--towards the Health Care bills. Here the MSM reported the liberals were being denied their free speech due to the radical right activists. Never mind these town hall meetings were set up secretly to limit the participants to only those supporting the issues, news got out.

So what is free speech. The definition according to liberals is that free speech is good as long as it agrees with what I believe. If there is disagreement, then free speech is not allowed or tolerated.

This used to be called hypocrisy. But do not hold your breath awaiting any remorse from liberals. Theirs is an anything goes world as long as they can reach their goals.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

No Gain All Pain

Reports of the Cap and Tax (or Trade if you are a liberal) Bill have been ambiguous. First it will only cost us a postage stamp a day. But after further consideration that stamp must be a $5 or $10 stamp. Let alone the millions of jobs. It is reported to be a job booster (for China). And now we hear that after all this pain the effect on climate will be less than negligible, perhaps even zero. And China and India get off scot free. Wait a minute. Then why are we doing all of this?

Two reasons come to mind
1) Government control of the Energy sector and controlling the people's energy habits
2) Barry O wants something (anything) to take to the December conference to show his peers that America is serious about Climate Control. Isnt this an expensive toy to take to show and tell? This is not Kindergarten sir!!

It is surprising anyone in their right mind would vote or support this monstrosity. Americans get off your arse and let the Demos in Congress this is not good for anyone.

Before it is too late. Say enough is enough!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Who's reads anymore

One of the most loudest complaints about the downfall of the American culture is the decline in reading abilities of its citizens. This inability has only worsened over the last decade as the increasing digitization of the world continues. And it is finally clear who is at fault for this liability: Congress.

The Cap and Tax bill (Otherwise known as Cap and Trade) passed in early July had 900 pages with a 300 page amendment added at 3am. Yet, the lemming like Democrats voted for it virtually enmasse without reading it. I do not know about you but I would not sign any contract i had not read thoroughly. Yet 220 members of Congress did so last week. I suppose they were told "Trust Us" but I have learned over the years to run as fast as you can when someone utters those words.

900 Pages on a bill that will change the economy and the country forever. Shouldnt we at least have had the chance to read, review, digest, and discuss this? WHat is the hurry? Congress slow down on your destruction of the country.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Good and Evil

According to all higher orders, Civil Magnistrates (publicly elected officials) have but one purpose:
Punish Evil and Praise Good.
This principle has served the nation well for hundreds of years. It has but one flaw: that the Magnistrate know the difference between good and evil.
This tiny flaw is coming to destroy the nation. His name is Barry O and his cronies in Congress and the Administration.

According to him:
Good is:
Gay, Lesbians and the Homosexual agenda
Bad is:
the bible, Christian and Religion (Hate Crimes)

Good is:
Anti Americanism, Dictators, Autocrats everywhere
Bad is:
Friends of America such as Great Britain and Israel

Good is:
Spending all you can and taxing as much as you can get away with
Bad is:
Free Enterprise and capitalism

Good is:
The environmentalists and renewable energies
Bad is:
Oil, Coal, Nuclear and anything dealing with cars and trucks

Good is:
Total government control of all means of production, health care, energy, what is left of manufacturing, services, etc
Bad is:
Private decisions on what is best for one, individualism

Good is:
Fairness, quotas, affirmative actions, equal outcomes
Bad is:
Equal opportunity and unequal outcomes

The list can go on and on.

My major fear is that we will never be able to undo the damage this guy can do in four years. We survived Carter can we survive the Messiah Barry O?

Friend or Foe

To add another trait to Barry O's long list (which now includes naive, inexperienced, cronyism, arrogant, hubris, narcisstic) of human frailities, one must now add confused. How else can one put it? He blatantly not only ignores but diplomatically humiliates our oldest and best friend, the UK, then goes out of his way to bow to the Saudi King who harbors anti-Americanism at every turn. He kicks Israel and brown noses up to the Muslim nations (who then predictably slap him around as he turns as asks "May I have another please?") He ignores the obviously rigged farce called the Iranian elections, is impervious to the pro-democratic rioters in the street, and still maintains his call for direct talks with the Iranian autocrat. He pats North Korea on the head and gets missile launches on the Fourth of July, the holiest day in America. And now he walks in step with such democratic notables as Castro, Chavez, and others in denouncing the constitutional events of Honduras. Does he recognize who his friends are? Does he know who his foes are?
Perhaps it is the fact that he is basically Anti-american, he believes that America is basically ugly, cruel, and a bad place (why else would he be on a worldwide Apology tour?) and he naturally sides with those whose believe the same way as he does.
Barry, please get it through your head that your first responsibility is to your nation, its people, and defending them. Put aside any political looking glass you absorbed from the Rev Wright over the last twenty years. Otherwise your time will be far shorter than you ever imagined. American people (you know those that live in the fly over regions that you dont care about), love their country and despise those that say otherwise. Wise up Barry or your tenure will be short lived (remember 1994 when that Democratic super majority was cut short, your own 1994 will be coming in 2010)

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Minnesota shame on you

Results were finally announced and Al F. (F can stand for a lot of things) was declared the winner. This guy is worthless and could not run a hot dog stand let alone be a senator. Just goes to show how worthless Minnesota has to be to vote him in. He was never funny, always irritating and stupid, and I can only imagine what he will be like on the Senate floor. . . stand up comedy anyone? Seriously, this is not funny anymore. The US is going to the dogs and Al F stands for everything that is wrong with it. Wake me when this nightmare is over.

Friday, June 26, 2009

And i thought things could not get worse

Never in the history of the world has so few (Liberals) produced a law that taxed so great, eliminated industries wholesale, millions of jobs to be cast away, and with the capability of utterly destroying what remains of the American economy for so little in return. That's right, Cap and Trade. In the middle of a recession that does not have an end, we are going to see the floor disappear in the economy. Coal must go. Nuclear never started. And all in and bet the farm on renewable energy sources. Cows, pigs, and chickens must go and we all must become Vegans. Gas . . . someday you will dream of what $3.00/gallon must have been like. Energy has become nationalized and all of this so the climate will not raise by 1/100 of a degree within 50 years. Of course, China, india, and Russia are not bound by it and will continue to pollute to their heart's content. But what the hey, the liberals like to soothe their consciences, and damn the consequences. The environmentalists got what they wanted, total chaos and a reversion to the village people.
A cabin in the middle of the woods looks better and better. For whatever long what is left of the USA goes.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Sad end for a great Country

yesterday, June 9, 2009 will be long recognized as the end of the United States of America and the beginning of the new United Socialist States of America. Even the Supreme Court as the final bulwark of democracy punted the ball and ignored the constitution. One final opportunity existed to support the constitution, to uphold the dignity of over two centuries of law. The Chrysler bailout/bankruptcy/union take over. The Government rolling over the existing statutes of contract law to make politically expidient conditions. In essence, even the Supremes decided that Barry and his gang could do what they wanted, whenever they wanted, to whomever, not withstanding contracts and existing law.

The Old America is gone. What investor or company in their right mind will invest in bonds or other debentures that (although by law) have priority over all other debt when the good Old USSA can overturn law in any fashion they wish. Payoff the unions and politically connected factions. Screw the bondholders, they are only the rich and greedy (despite the Indiana pension funds nonetheless). GM is next and this will only be worse. And still to come unknown others would will be treated this way.

Who says the recession is over. I expect it to last and last and last. Only companies and private enterprise provide real working jobs (Oh, the only segment in the US economy to gain jobs over the last 6 months has been government . . . they do not provide wealth merely redistribute it). With taxes up, regulation up, oversight up, who can foresee months in the future let alone years it takes to make investment decisions.

Oh. I can foresee several trends in the years to come. Continued economic hard times for all working (e.g. non-governmental) workers, especially for businesspersons and owners (those greedy rich ones who are barely getting by), and high and rising inflation and interest rates. Buckle down America it is going to get far rougher far sooner than anyone expected.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The trillion dollar Insanity

Barry and party must be idiots. that is the only excuse I can see. They are trying to throw a trillion dollar party without any clear ideas of what to spend or how to spend it. Throw it out there and hope some of it sticks. Bailout the states and cities. Bailout homeowners who should have never beenin a home in the first place. If you are victim and failed, here is some money. If you were successful, you are greedy and we need to tax you more. Tax cuts for those who did not pay taxes. What is this? Pure payoff.

Vote it down. A stimulus package that stimulates not creates more pain. It is like throwing a sixpack to an alcoholic. It wont make the situation any better.

Hypocrite thy name is Democrat

I remember the good old days. When the Republicans ran the administration. A candidate would come up before the senate and the Democrats would rake him or her over the coals because in 7th grade they did something or they voted the wrong way on a bill twenty years ago. Perfection was not enough for these guys.

And now what do we have. Tax cheats. Who only repented once they were found out. A Republican who had done so would have been crucified, killed twice over by the media, and branded a poor role model by every liberal broadcaster on this planet (basically all main media personnel). But a democrat. Forgiveness is thy name. Oh, we need his skills now and are willing to overlook these small errors of his ways (errors which would have ended up giving the average American ten to twenty at another not so plush place). It appears that almost anything can be forgiven if you have the right political views.

We have a word for that hypocrite. And it will end up costing them more than they realize.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Why the Economic stimulus plan will not work

Why the economic stimulus plan proposed by Barry and the boys will fail and be the boondoggle of all boondoggles and earmarks to heaven.
1) this is not the great depression. Unemployment is nowhere near 25% and will not get one third as high
2) In the GD, make work was hiring thousands of poorly skilled, poorly educated men as manual laborers and provide them with a shovel. Today, the same projects are high capital items with million dollar Caterpillar machines using a small fraction of humans necessary.
3) The world economy is an informational one not a human muscle one. The labor available is mainly poorly skilled and undereducated and cannot compete on the world informational stage. Unless training is included, it will not add much to the US brain pool.
4) Few of the project have any cost benefit analysis and will be selected on a purely political, read to go basis.

Infrastructure stimulus plan--my own

My thoughts on an infrastructure stimulus bill are as follows:
Items should be able to provide value to the American economy.
1) Add a third lane to all interstates and a fourth lane to urban loops. Upgrade all roads and bridges to satisfactory conditions
a. Traffic will increase. Semi traffic double or triple in next decade
b. Open roads means smoother traffic, less congestion, and better energy results
c. Double gas tax to provide funds to maintain and improve roads
2) Use federal grants to double track all major rail lines in the country and to build overpasses/underpasses along all highways.
a. Expedite rail traffic and hence save energy
b. Immediately save several thousands lives a year ordinarily killed by rail auto incidents
c. Provide path for direct, high speed interurban passenger rail traffic
3) Double or triple port capacity. Provide priority for exports.
4) Modernize FAA and air routes to provide point to point travel
a. Save energy and time
5) Immediately open up all coastline and government acreage to oil and gas exploration, fast-track and prohibit environmental challenges. Open up ANWR and Oil shale production.
6) Fast track dozens of new nuclear energy plants.
7) Upgrade and build new transcontinental transmission systems to provide for easy flow of power to where it is needed.

Policy recommendations

Policy statements that stem directly from the tenets

If we wish to revise the tax system the following items should be targeted:
•Fair, Equitable,
•Simple, User Friendly
•Not Regressive, Progressive from perspective of richer, more is paid
•Not double taxation (interest, dividends not be taxed)
My recommendation is a national consumption (or sales) tax
Perhaps 20% on all products and services
Exemption would be for nutritious foods (no chips, no soft drinks), basic level of utilities and rent (so a poor family could live well and pay no consumption tax)( the ‘rich’ would have a choice, to save it and not pay any taxes or to consume –yacht, jewelry, etc—and pay the consumption tax)
Eliminate all national income tax (and most of the IRS)
Since states already have mechanism in place for state sales tax, this on top would not be big problem
I would also encourage user taxes
Property taxes to be used only for property related items (fire, safety—police and sheriff, justice—court and jails)
Local income taxes for education. Vouchers for k-16 for all aged 5-22.
Increase gas taxes and use proceeds to rebuild infrastructure (bridges, third lanes for interstate) and for regional high speed rail systems.
Alcohol and tobacco (vice) taxes to go towards health care
Corporate taxes at a low level (20% or less) and capital gains taxed similarly.

Current policy totally backwards.
Encourage and allow illiterate Mexican peasants while making it difficult for educated.
Urban myth of pregnant Mexican stumbling across border and giving birth and then claiming cannot be deported because now mother of US citizens. Crazy.
My recommendation: change citizenship to must be child of at least one US citizen.
Any non-US citizen with Doctorate, masters or bachelors in an area of need should be given first priority with unlimited numbers.
Definitely need wall and strict controls of border across South. If you cannot control border, you cannot control country
Any job should go first to US citizen and only after no US citizen that is qualified should it go to illegals. All employers should be required to check with Social Security to validate new potential employers. Database should allow to confirm name and SSN.
Any stop or police arrest of an illegal means immediate deportment.
No sanctuary cities. Federal funding eliminated for any.

The Education system of our country is that we are a 21st century country using 19th century techniques more adept towards a primitive industrial society (mass production of adequate labor)
The Education Department has been in existence for over 30 years, in that period of time hundreds of billions of dollars as been spent and the youth are less prepared than ever.
The first problem is the monopoly of the public education system. This must be replaced with vouchers that allow each and every eligible student (K-16) to enroll in the school (public, private, or profit) desired. Competition will shake up the educational establishment and the lockhold the unions have on the system.
The second problem is that in the age of computers, we are preparing our students the same way it was two centuries ago. Unstead of mass production, we ought to emphasize mass customization. Students should be able to progress at their own rate of speed instead of waiting for the rest of the class. A brilliant student should be able to finish in weeks what could take the rest of his class months.
The third problem is the No Child Left Behind provides incentives for remedial work at the cost of funds and time that could be used for advanced studies, thus leaving the top students out.
The fourth problem is that political correctness has taken upperhand. Global Warming and Homelessness and Aids and Sexual Orientation is more important than learning about Mathematics and Reading and Science. Our priorities are all screwed up.
The fifth problem is that discipline and moral are abysmal. Discipline must be reestablished and zero tolerance the rule. One student can disrupt the entire class. That student should be immediately put in his place and the class allowed to continue.
The sixth problem is that the US system still believes students are needed during the summer for the crops. There is no reason students cannot be in school for the summer. A four quarter continuous system of 11 weeks on, 2 weeks vacation off should be implemented. Why not a longer school day? What is wrong with homework? Additional work would not harm our youth.
Teachers should be experts in their fields first with teaching secondary (a one year apprenticeship should be sufficient)

*•Must be portable (owned by individual not by company).
• Choice must be that of individual not government or business
• Use the free market and health insurance enterprises to supply market
• Use tax credits
• All citizens over 18 are required to have an insurance policy or be covered under a family
• Minimum set of required items within standard package
• A health version of FDIC established to over see insurance companies and provide protection if one goes under.

• Government limitations to health care:
• pay for all childhood vaccines and required for school and citizenship
• require annual checkups (physicals) within any policy
• provide free birth control for any girl 10-14-18 or older and mandate birth control for any woman (and her female children) on welfare, food stamps, rent, etc or any government program
Reform of malpractice is required.
Reform of FDA and new drug creation policies

Parameters for voting should be reviewed:
Over 21, Have income, pay taxes, own property, Speak and write American English at 6th grade level, and Pass High School Civics/economics test
Only those vested interest should be allowed to vote. Why should homeless or illiterate illegal or welfare queen.

tenets continued

3. Individual rights
We need to affirm the set of individual rights provided to us by the constitution and bill of rights: Freedom of Speech, Religion, Right to bear arms, etc. We do not accept all other individual rights often discussed: right to a job, right to certain level of income, right to health care, right to abortion, etc. It is an individual right to succeed or fail.

4. Maximizing individual Choice.
Choice is an important word in the conservative tenets. By providing greater choice, an individual is allowed to maximize his own welfare, his own utility. An individual knows more and will work harder to satisfy his/her own utility than any bureaucrat or the state. More choice allows the free market to work to its fullest. Monopolies do not provide choice. Monopolies of any sort should be dissolved. School choice is a major player for conservatives: every student age 5-21 should be given vouchers that will allow them to choose the school (private or public) they wish. By doing so, the free market in education will result with much higher dividends for the public as a whole. Those schools that perform better will succeed; those that are mediocre will fail; new schools with new business plans/models will arise and the market will indicate success.

Tenets continued

3. Individual rights
We need to affirm the set of individual rights provided to us by the constitution and bill of rights: Freedom of Speech, Religion, Right to bear arms, etc. We do not accept all other individual rights often discussed: right to a job, right to certain level of income, right to health care, right to abortion, etc. It is an individual right to succeed or fail.

4. Maximizing individual Choice.
Choice is an important word in the conservative tenets. By providing greater choice, an individual is allowed to maximize his own welfare, his own utility. An individual knows more and will work harder to satisfy his/her own utility than any bureaucrat or the state. More choice allows the free market to work to its fullest. Monopolies do not provide choice. Monopolies of any sort should be dissolved. School choice is a major player for conservatives: every student age 5-21 should be given vouchers that will allow them to choose the school (private or public) they wish. By doing so, the free market in education will result with much higher dividends for the public as a whole. Those schools that perform better will succeed; those that are mediocre will fail; new schools with new business plans/models will arise and the market will indicate success.

Tenets (continued)

3. Individual rights
We need to affirm the set of individual rights provided to us by the constitution and bill of rights: Freedom of Speech, Religion, Right to bear arms, etc. We do not accept all other individual rights often discussed: right to a job, right to certain level of income, right to health care, right to abortion, etc. It is an individual right to succeed or fail.

4. Maximizing individual Choice.
Choice is an important word in the conservative tenets. By providing greater choice, an individual is allowed to maximize his own welfare, his own utility. An individual knows more and will work harder to satisfy his/her own utility than any bureaucrat or the state. More choice allows the free market to work to its fullest. Monopolies do not provide choice. Monopolies of any sort should be dissolved. School choice is a major player for conservatives: every student age 5-21 should be given vouchers that will allow them to choose the school (private or public) they wish. By doing so, the free market in education will result with much higher dividends for the public as a whole. Those schools that perform better will succeed; those that are mediocre will fail; new schools with new business plans/models will arise and the market will indicate success.

Tenets (continued)

3. Individual rights
We need to affirm the set of individual rights provided to us by the constitution and bill of rights: Freedom of Speech, Religion, Right to bear arms, etc. We do not accept all other individual rights often discussed: right to a job, right to certain level of income, right to health care, right to abortion, etc. It is an individual right to succeed or fail.

4. Maximizing individual Choice.
Choice is an important word in the conservative tenets. By providing greater choice, an individual is allowed to maximize his own welfare, his own utility. An individual knows more and will work harder to satisfy his/her own utility than any bureaucrat or the state. More choice allows the free market to work to its fullest. Monopolies do not provide choice. Monopolies of any sort should be dissolved. School choice is a major player for conservatives: every student age 5-21 should be given vouchers that will allow them to choose the school (private or public) they wish. By doing so, the free market in education will result with much higher dividends for the public as a whole. Those schools that perform better will succeed; those that are mediocre will fail; new schools with new business plans/models will arise and the market will indicate success.
5. Personal Responsibility
We affirm that each individual has the right to make choices and to acknowledge that each choice has an outcome that the individual must then accept. If he/she chooses to drink and drive, the outcome of drunken driving then becomes a natural outcome that he/she must accept and bear the complete responsibility of the outcome. If they have the freedom of choosing bad choices, they must accept the results of their decision. No moral hazard. No nanny state. We must return to accept the personal responsibility of our own actions; if one chooses not to stay in school, one must accept the results of that decision.
A return to equal opportunity, not equal outcomes. There will also be winners and losers; some better than others. If everyone wins, no one wins. Self-esteem should not take center stage rather personal motivation.

Tenets (continued)

3. Individual rights
We need to affirm the set of individual rights provided to us by the constitution and bill of rights: Freedom of Speech, Religion, Right to bear arms, etc. We do not accept all other individual rights often discussed: right to a job, right to certain level of income, right to health care, right to abortion, etc. It is an individual right to succeed or fail.

4. Maximizing individual Choice.
Choice is an important word in the conservative tenets. By providing greater choice, an individual is allowed to maximize his own welfare, his own utility. An individual knows more and will work harder to satisfy his/her own utility than any bureaucrat or the state. More choice allows the free market to work to its fullest. Monopolies do not provide choice. Monopolies of any sort should be dissolved. School choice is a major player for conservatives: every student age 5-21 should be given vouchers that will allow them to choose the school (private or public) they wish. By doing so, the free market in education will result with much higher dividends for the public as a whole. Those schools that perform better will succeed; those that are mediocre will fail; new schools with new business plans/models will arise and the market will indicate success.
5. Personal Responsibility
We affirm that each individual has the right to make choices and to acknowledge that each choice has an outcome that the individual must then accept. If he/she chooses to drink and drive, the outcome of drunken driving then becomes a natural outcome that he/she must accept and bear the complete responsibility of the outcome. If they have the freedom of choosing bad choices, they must accept the results of their decision. No moral hazard. No nanny state. We must return to accept the personal responsibility of our own actions; if one chooses not to stay in school, one must accept the results of that decision.
A return to equal opportunity, not equal outcomes. There will also be winners and losers; some better than others. If everyone wins, no one wins. Self-esteem should not take center stage rather personal motivation.

6.America is Good/ America First
We as conservatives do not apologize for America or its history; we rather glorify and wish to export it. We acknowledge that it has not always been perfect but it has accepted its faults and corrected it (Slavery was a bad episode in American history but a civil war costing hundreds of thousands of lives is a sufficient price to pay). We object to the political correct policy of ignoring our own history or glorifying those few mistakes in the past well out of weight to their significance. We believe each American citizen or potential citizen must learn about the American culture, learn its language, and be proud of its history. American English is the official language of America, should be legislated as such, and learned by all immigrants or aspirants before citizenship will be given.
We also believe in America First. We do not wish to shackle American hands by multilateral forces (such as UN or EU). America needs the ability to unilaterally act as it deems necessary to defend the country and its citizens.

7. Under God
Our forefathers made special mention of God in the Declaration and the Constitution. We believe the Judeo-Christian philosophy should be proclaimed and proudly posted as the proper heritage of America. The Freedom of Religion and “Separation of Church and State” means its citizenry has the right to worship as they believe and that no governmental religion be established. It does not mean banning religion from the public realm or requiring all religions to be equally pronounced in displays.

The Seven Basic Tenets of Modern Conservatism

The Seven Basic Tenets of Modern Conservatism

1. Free Market/Capitalism
The principle of the Free Market and Capitalism are to be affirmed. An unfettered and deregulated free market should be allowed to operate. All functions that can be privatized (post office, airport security, etc) should be. A review of regulations must be made to eliminate those that most severely restrict private businesses. Regulations should be made by Congress not by bureaucrats and a sunset provision made for each regulation.
Free Trade should be encouraged. Free Trade means trade on equal footing; countries such as China which encourages piracy and does not allow an open market of goods imported should be punished by disincentives on their exports to America. Free Trade agreements with as many countries as possible is the preferred course of action.
2. Minimalist Government
Government should be viewed as a referee or judge not a participant in the economy: allowing the game of capitalism to continue and stopping only to penalize those who break the rules (fraud/laws). If it wants to change behavior, it should change the rules (moving goalposts back behind the end zone; moving kickoff to 35 yard line, etc) and allow the game to keep on going. That is, by incentives and disincentives behavior is to be modified not by fiat. For example: Instead of a CAFÉ that tries to change the laws of physics, government should provide incentives (yearly bonus) to those with vehicles with high mileage while charging an excise tax to those who wish to continue buying tax guzzlers.
The wisdom of our forefathers to have only four departments in the federal government should be revisited. Do we really need a Department of Education or Energy (for the past 30 years these departments have spent tens if not hundreds of billions of dollars and performance is worst today than when they were started) Major efforts within the government (education, energy, labor, commerce, agriculture, etc) should be downsized or returned to the states.
The Federal government should only be involved in Justice, Treasury, State (foreign affairs), and Defense. All other duties should be handed to the states or given to the private sector. If a function can be performed by the private sector, it should be.
Government is notoriously inefficient and by limiting the functions it has to offer, inefficencies should be diminished. Government only takes wealth and redistributes it, it does not create wealth.

The Seven Basic Tenets of Modern Conservatism

The Seven Basic Tenets of Modern Conservatism

1. Free Market/Capitalism
The principle of the Free Market and Capitalism are to be affirmed. An unfettered and deregulated free market should be allowed to operate. All functions that can be privatized (post office, airport security, etc) should be. A review of regulations must be made to eliminate those that most severely restrict private businesses. Regulations should be made by Congress not by bureaucrats and a sunset provision made for each regulation.
Free Trade should be encouraged. Free Trade means trade on equal footing; countries such as China which encourages piracy and does not allow an open market of goods imported should be punished by disincentives on their exports to America. Free Trade agreements with as many countries as possible is the preferred course of action.
2. Minimalist Government
Government should be viewed as a referee or judge not a participant in the economy: allowing the game of capitalism to continue and stopping only to penalize those who break the rules (fraud/laws). If it wants to change behavior, it should change the rules (moving goalposts back behind the end zone; moving kickoff to 35 yard line, etc) and allow the game to keep on going. That is, by incentives and disincentives behavior is to be modified not by fiat. For example: Instead of a CAFÉ that tries to change the laws of physics, government should provide incentives (yearly bonus) to those with vehicles with high mileage while charging an excise tax to those who wish to continue buying tax guzzlers.
The wisdom of our forefathers to have only four departments in the federal government should be revisited. Do we really need a Department of Education or Energy (for the past 30 years these departments have spent tens if not hundreds of billions of dollars and performance is worst today than when they were started) Major efforts within the government (education, energy, labor, commerce, agriculture, etc) should be downsized or returned to the states.
The Federal government should only be involved in Justice, Treasury, State (foreign affairs), and Defense. All other duties should be handed to the states or given to the private sector. If a function can be performed by the private sector, it should be.
Government is notoriously inefficient and by limiting the functions it has to offer, inefficencies should be diminished. Government only takes wealth and redistributes it, it does not create wealth.

3. Individual rights
We need to affirm the set of individual rights provided to us by the constitution and bill of rights: Freedom of Speech, Religion, Right to bear arms, etc. We do not accept all other individual rights often discussed: right to a job, right to certain level of income, right to health care, right to abortion, etc. It is an individual right to succeed or fail.

4. Maximizing individual Choice.
Choice is an important word in the conservative tenets. By providing greater choice, an individual is allowed to maximize his own welfare, his own utility. An individual knows more and will work harder to satisfy his/her own utility than any bureaucrat or the state. More choice allows the free market to work to its fullest. Monopolies do not provide choice. Monopolies of any sort should be dissolved. School choice is a major player for conservatives: every student age 5-21 should be given vouchers that will allow them to choose the school (private or public) they wish. By doing so, the free market in education will result with much higher dividends for the public as a whole. Those schools that perform better will succeed; those that are mediocre will fail; new schools with new business plans/models will arise and the market will indicate success.
5. Personal Responsibility
We affirm that each individual has the right to make choices and to acknowledge that each choice has an outcome that the individual must then accept. If he/she chooses to drink and drive, the outcome of drunken driving then becomes a natural outcome that he/she must accept and bear the complete responsibility of the outcome. If they have the freedom of choosing bad choices, they must accept the results of their decision. No moral hazard. No nanny state. We must return to accept the personal responsibility of our own actions; if one chooses not to stay in school, one must accept the results of that decision.
A return to equal opportunity, not equal outcomes. There will also be winners and losers; some better than others. If everyone wins, no one wins. Self-esteem should not take center stage rather personal motivation.

6.America is Good/ America First
We as conservatives do not apologize for America or its history; we rather glorify and wish to export it. We acknowledge that it has not always been perfect but it has accepted its faults and corrected it (Slavery was a bad episode in American history but a civil war costing hundreds of thousands of lives is a sufficient price to pay). We object to the political correct policy of ignoring our own history or glorifying those few mistakes in the past well out of weight to their significance. We believe each American citizen or potential citizen must learn about the American culture, learn its language, and be proud of its history. American English is the official language of America, should be legislated as such, and learned by all immigrants or aspirants before citizenship will be given.
We also believe in America First. We do not wish to shackle American hands by multilateral forces (such as UN or EU). America needs the ability to unilaterally act as it deems necessary to defend the country and its citizens.

7. Under God
Our forefathers made special mention of God in the Declaration and the Constitution. We believe the Judeo-Christian philosophy should be proclaimed and proudly posted as the proper heritage of America. The Freedom of Religion and “Separation of Church and State” means its citizenry has the right to worship as they believe and that no governmental religion be established. It does not mean banning religion from the public realm or requiring all religions to be equally pronounced in displays.

The Seven Basic Tenets of Modern Conservatism

The Seven Basic Tenets of Modern Conservatism

1. Free Market/Capitalism
The principle of the Free Market and Capitalism are to be affirmed. An unfettered and deregulated free market should be allowed to operate. All functions that can be privatized (post office, airport security, etc) should be. A review of regulations must be made to eliminate those that most severely restrict private businesses. Regulations should be made by Congress not by bureaucrats and a sunset provision made for each regulation.
Free Trade should be encouraged. Free Trade means trade on equal footing; countries such as China which encourages piracy and does not allow an open market of goods imported should be punished by disincentives on their exports to America. Free Trade agreements with as many countries as possible is the preferred course of action.
2. Minimalist Government
Government should be viewed as a referee or judge not a participant in the economy: allowing the game of capitalism to continue and stopping only to penalize those who break the rules (fraud/laws). If it wants to change behavior, it should change the rules (moving goalposts back behind the end zone; moving kickoff to 35 yard line, etc) and allow the game to keep on going. That is, by incentives and disincentives behavior is to be modified not by fiat. For example: Instead of a CAFÉ that tries to change the laws of physics, government should provide incentives (yearly bonus) to those with vehicles with high mileage while charging an excise tax to those who wish to continue buying tax guzzlers.
The wisdom of our forefathers to have only four departments in the federal government should be revisited. Do we really need a Department of Education or Energy (for the past 30 years these departments have spent tens if not hundreds of billions of dollars and performance is worst today than when they were started) Major efforts within the government (education, energy, labor, commerce, agriculture, etc) should be downsized or returned to the states.
The Federal government should only be involved in Justice, Treasury, State (foreign affairs), and Defense. All other duties should be handed to the states or given to the private sector. If a function can be performed by the private sector, it should be.
Government is notoriously inefficient and by limiting the functions it has to offer, inefficencies should be diminished. Government only takes wealth and redistributes it, it does not create wealth.

3. Individual rights
We need to affirm the set of individual rights provided to us by the constitution and bill of rights: Freedom of Speech, Religion, Right to bear arms, etc. We do not accept all other individual rights often discussed: right to a job, right to certain level of income, right to health care, right to abortion, etc. It is an individual right to succeed or fail.

4. Maximizing individual Choice.
Choice is an important word in the conservative tenets. By providing greater choice, an individual is allowed to maximize his own welfare, his own utility. An individual knows more and will work harder to satisfy his/her own utility than any bureaucrat or the state. More choice allows the free market to work to its fullest. Monopolies do not provide choice. Monopolies of any sort should be dissolved. School choice is a major player for conservatives: every student age 5-21 should be given vouchers that will allow them to choose the school (private or public) they wish. By doing so, the free market in education will result with much higher dividends for the public as a whole. Those schools that perform better will succeed; those that are mediocre will fail; new schools with new business plans/models will arise and the market will indicate success.
5. Personal Responsibility
We affirm that each individual has the right to make choices and to acknowledge that each choice has an outcome that the individual must then accept. If he/she chooses to drink and drive, the outcome of drunken driving then becomes a natural outcome that he/she must accept and bear the complete responsibility of the outcome. If they have the freedom of choosing bad choices, they must accept the results of their decision. No moral hazard. No nanny state. We must return to accept the personal responsibility of our own actions; if one chooses not to stay in school, one must accept the results of that decision.
A return to equal opportunity, not equal outcomes. There will also be winners and losers; some better than others. If everyone wins, no one wins. Self-esteem should not take center stage rather personal motivation.

6.America is Good/ America First
We as conservatives do not apologize for America or its history; we rather glorify and wish to export it. We acknowledge that it has not always been perfect but it has accepted its faults and corrected it (Slavery was a bad episode in American history but a civil war costing hundreds of thousands of lives is a sufficient price to pay). We object to the political correct policy of ignoring our own history or glorifying those few mistakes in the past well out of weight to their significance. We believe each American citizen or potential citizen must learn about the American culture, learn its language, and be proud of its history. American English is the official language of America, should be legislated as such, and learned by all immigrants or aspirants before citizenship will be given.
We also believe in America First. We do not wish to shackle American hands by multilateral forces (such as UN or EU). America needs the ability to unilaterally act as it deems necessary to defend the country and its citizens.

7. Under God
Our forefathers made special mention of God in the Declaration and the Constitution. We believe the Judeo-Christian philosophy should be proclaimed and proudly posted as the proper heritage of America. The Freedom of Religion and “Separation of Church and State” means its citizenry has the right to worship as they believe and that no governmental religion be established. It does not mean banning religion from the public realm or requiring all religions to be equally pronounced in displays.