Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Fanatic

The definition of a Fanatic is one who when he knows he has lost and has no chance of winning redoubles his efforts.

Sounds like another definition for Barry and the boys. They seem to be in a major disconnect to ordinary Americans (ordinary for them means citizens from Crossover country who are nothing whatsoever like the liberal elite from the bicoastal weirdness.) Did not they listen in August when the tea parties and representative meetings told the administration and Congress very clearly 1) They wanted priority placed on the economy and jobs and 2) No more big government (which included health care reform and cap and trade energy control). So like regular liberals whose hearing aids are turned off, they went back and preceded to double up on those issues. In November on election day, they got trounced and exit polls spoke clearly, confirming those August announcements. And like any good liberal, they went and doubled up.

Do they not hear what people are saying? Do they even care (obviously not)? Liberals in general only listen to what other liberal elites say. The "Silent Majority" of Crossover country Americans do not count, being hackeyed, rural uneducated, conservatives preoccupied with guns and religion. No, the liberal elites think they know best and damn it, it is their way or the highway. Well this time it looks like they are going to get their wish: the highway only they are the ones heading out of town not the middle americans.

Serves them right.

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