Excerpt from Manuscript found in ruins
"In the End times there was a ruler named Barry.
He ruled over the people with an iron closed mind.
He and his followers said, "Let there be a Health Care policy for all"
and the people said "We want jobs and the economy to be better."
But Barry said, "I know what is best for you. We must have a big government, spend trillions of dollars, Own Health Care, Energy, and most businesses."
and the people said "We want to run our own lives. We know what is best for us."
But Barry said, "I am an elite. I am well educated. I know what is best for you. You are just peons too self absorbed in your own petty lives to know what the world should be like. We know and you should shut up and let us make decisions for you."
and the people said, "give us a break. We are smarter than you think. We know what is best for us."
But Barry said, "Government is good. business is bad. Government should make decisions about health, energy, pay, everything. We, the elite, knows what is best for you. We want everybody to be equal."
and the people said, "You are not hearing us. We said it clearly in August. We said it clearly in November: "Let us be free and make our own decisions."
But Barry said, "But if you do what you want, you will not do what we the Elites know what is best. You will use Gas and Coal not solar and wind. You will eat meat not vegetables. You will drive cars not bike or mass transit. We know what is best for you. Listen to us. We are the Elites. We care about you, you poor dumb uneducated crossover Americans with your guns, your religion, your big cars. "
and the people said, "Be gone. Twice we spoke and twice you did not listen. Three strikes and you are out."
And Fire and Brimstone struck all of Barry's followers and Barry and they were struck down and removed from office.
But Barry said dazed as he left the Big house "But We know what is best. Why did not they listen to us. We are the elite."
and the people said, "Let us be free once again to do as we want how we want when we want."
And there was peace and prosperity once again, until years later when the People let their guard down and forgot the lessons of the past, a new Barry arose.
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