Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Leader --of what?

This week was notable for two events: the terrible tragedy at Fort Hood and the Liberals assault on our freedom by passing the health care reform act, the "Government takeover of Healthcare act."
Where was our beloved Leader, the self described messiah, Barry O.? Any true leader would have immediately flown to Texas to be with the Fort Hood family in this calamity. Any true leader would have shut down Congress so we could mourn. But not Barry. He and his boys of the Socialist inclination were so engrossed in changing America, they were in Washington. That should tell us of the priorities he has. Forget America, forget the calamities, forget the military, go after Socialism and Control and Power. That is first and foremost on his mind.
Shouldnt this tell us something about his character and his priorities (as if we did not know it after nearly two years). Is this how a Leader should act? Of course not. Who ever said Barry was a leader? He isnt and never was and never will be. His whole purpose in life is to be loved and adored and admired by his fans. Not to lead.

Perhaps he is in a sense leading us . . . to his promised land of equality among all, of European style Socialism and World non-power. I for one do not want to be lead like sheep to the slaughter for his own skewed world view.

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