Thursday, September 17, 2009

Barak Animal House Obama

BO, the chosen one, the messiah, reminds me of a scene in animal house, the movie. The bad fraternity is initiating its new members. The senior members are paddling the plebes. After each paddle, the new members say, "Thank you sir, may I please have another."
I cannot help but think of BO and his foreign policy disasters. He takes a hit in the rear from Russia, gives up Czech and Poland and politely gets blindsided again. He must have Masochistic tendencies. He must feel so bad about the USA, that it is so evil, that he wants us punished.
"Please sir, may I have another." as he turns the other cheek, hoping that his act of kindness will be reciprocated. And as he does so, the bully hits him again. I just wonder how long it will be before he finally understands bullies only respect strength, not weakness.
Three and a half more years. BUt will we survive that long with him at the throttle. BO must realize this is not a game. This is not Academia with all the nice theories of political science, human behavior, and gamemanship. This is real life. This is the real world and 350 Million Americans are going to be casualties of his ineptness.
Oh well, how many more days to go?

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