Monday, July 6, 2009

Who's reads anymore

One of the most loudest complaints about the downfall of the American culture is the decline in reading abilities of its citizens. This inability has only worsened over the last decade as the increasing digitization of the world continues. And it is finally clear who is at fault for this liability: Congress.

The Cap and Tax bill (Otherwise known as Cap and Trade) passed in early July had 900 pages with a 300 page amendment added at 3am. Yet, the lemming like Democrats voted for it virtually enmasse without reading it. I do not know about you but I would not sign any contract i had not read thoroughly. Yet 220 members of Congress did so last week. I suppose they were told "Trust Us" but I have learned over the years to run as fast as you can when someone utters those words.

900 Pages on a bill that will change the economy and the country forever. Shouldnt we at least have had the chance to read, review, digest, and discuss this? WHat is the hurry? Congress slow down on your destruction of the country.

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