In Ayn Rand's novel Atlas Shrugged, the hero cried he would stop the engine of the world. And soon enough, the most talented, most hard working citizens disappeared. The end result was chaos.
Well we are seeing microcosms of that today. In several states, medical specialists have disappeared, moved to another state where opportunities are greater and tort liabilities less. California and New York have seen out migration of the rich and successful to lower tax states. Businesses are moving to the south and west to lower tax states. All these events were preordained in Ayn's book. And more can be expected.
What happens if Barry O's dream of a socialist France across the Atlantic is realized. Will the rich continue to work long hard hours while gathering small percentages for their efforts (remember it is marginal income that motivates . .. when 70-80% of every dollar is going to the government, you have got to be either purely community minded or an idiot to work), will entrepreneurs and VCs risk billions of dollars for new start-ups with the labor dominated , regulation intensive, legalless (now that the government has shown that contracts are only as good as Barry believes they are--GM and Chrysler bond holders showed the way) system being set up, will Mom and Pop start up a small business with their life savings especially when they have no idea of what the future beholds? Of course not. The liberals are in La-La land (where most of them live anyway) to believe people will not change their behavior accordingly. And what will occur? Official unemployment in the teens, unofficial unemployment over 20%, a permanent recession, hyperinflation, and a rapid spiral towards third world ism.
But Barry O and his bunch dont care. They would have achieved what they wanted. An equality based system with the Libs in permanent control. Of course, remember what Socialism is: Everybody will be equally bad off.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Who is the victim here?
After the Fort Hood terrorism attack (there cannot be any other description of it), I heard from the Mainstream media about "The Alleged shooter" as if there were any doubt that he did it. How many witnesses do they need. They all talked about an Army Major being very particular not to get his name or religious belief (if he had been a white who listened to Rush or Sean it would have been way out front). And now he is considered a "suspect?"
And our president who did not set foot in Fort Hood Friday when he should have but decided to come out tuesday when all the cameras would be on him (sound familiar) said in so many words, forget the victims, we cannot let this interfere with diversity. Who are the victims? As the Commander in Chief of the Army said, "We do not want to have a backlash." What about the victims do they deserve some attention? When does this PC thing stop. How many more shootings and attacks before we take some serious actions.
And our president who did not set foot in Fort Hood Friday when he should have but decided to come out tuesday when all the cameras would be on him (sound familiar) said in so many words, forget the victims, we cannot let this interfere with diversity. Who are the victims? As the Commander in Chief of the Army said, "We do not want to have a backlash." What about the victims do they deserve some attention? When does this PC thing stop. How many more shootings and attacks before we take some serious actions.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Political Correctness Must be upheld
One of the most alarming aspects of the Fort Hood incident that is coming out is the number of associates who have indicated they saw some parts of the perpetrator but were afraid of speaking out due to being called "Racist" or "alarmist" This can be seen in aiports where little old ladies are subjected to body searches while young Muslim men are allowed to proceed without hassle due to fears of "profiling." The Army brass on Sunday seconded the motion by indicating the "diversity" was not to be disturbed.
so now we have a national security that is afraid to proof its own troops lest they be called racist or profiling. How many more incidents like this are we to have? Internal security is as important to us as is national security. Yet we are letting our guard down due to Political correctness and diversity issues. Our enemies such as Iran and Korea must be laughing their heads off now. What kind of nation have we become?
Enough is enough.
so now we have a national security that is afraid to proof its own troops lest they be called racist or profiling. How many more incidents like this are we to have? Internal security is as important to us as is national security. Yet we are letting our guard down due to Political correctness and diversity issues. Our enemies such as Iran and Korea must be laughing their heads off now. What kind of nation have we become?
Enough is enough.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Whiner In Chief
When you were young do you remember the neighborhood kid who owned the bat and baseball when you played ball? Remember what happened when he lost? He took his bat and ball and went home. In other words, as long as he was winning he would play.
Well we have a whiner-in-chief. Remember what he told his Republican opposites at a White house meeting, I won. That is, since I won, you must do it my way. Well it worked for a while. Now that his popularity is down and he has had some losses, he is frustrated and whinning. After all, everybody loves me. They adore me. They should do what I tell them to do. And when they don't, he has a temper tandrum. They are being Racist. They hate me because I am black. They are opposing me because of my race.
Rush limbaugh. sean hannity. Fox news. The list grows long. If they do not agree with me, they must be my enemy. Accustomed to adoration and love by the media, he cannot project nor accept a media that does not love him. If one exists, it is because they are either Racist or biased or not a real newsworthy organization. The thought of having a true discussion over the issues does not cross his mind. It is his way or the highway. And as president (not mine I emphasize) he has powers to coerce and intimidate. Many have fallen (AMA, Health care organizations for example) as a result and Finlandized they support him tokenly. But despite all others stand firm. And he cannot stand that. Any opposition or opposing view must be attacked, persecuted, and punished. For he is the one and all should love him.
How much longer do we have to put up with this toddler imitating a president? How much damage will he inflict on our country before it is over? I just hope I am still here to see the aftermath.
Well we have a whiner-in-chief. Remember what he told his Republican opposites at a White house meeting, I won. That is, since I won, you must do it my way. Well it worked for a while. Now that his popularity is down and he has had some losses, he is frustrated and whinning. After all, everybody loves me. They adore me. They should do what I tell them to do. And when they don't, he has a temper tandrum. They are being Racist. They hate me because I am black. They are opposing me because of my race.
Rush limbaugh. sean hannity. Fox news. The list grows long. If they do not agree with me, they must be my enemy. Accustomed to adoration and love by the media, he cannot project nor accept a media that does not love him. If one exists, it is because they are either Racist or biased or not a real newsworthy organization. The thought of having a true discussion over the issues does not cross his mind. It is his way or the highway. And as president (not mine I emphasize) he has powers to coerce and intimidate. Many have fallen (AMA, Health care organizations for example) as a result and Finlandized they support him tokenly. But despite all others stand firm. And he cannot stand that. Any opposition or opposing view must be attacked, persecuted, and punished. For he is the one and all should love him.
How much longer do we have to put up with this toddler imitating a president? How much damage will he inflict on our country before it is over? I just hope I am still here to see the aftermath.
A Leader --of what?
This week was notable for two events: the terrible tragedy at Fort Hood and the Liberals assault on our freedom by passing the health care reform act, the "Government takeover of Healthcare act."
Where was our beloved Leader, the self described messiah, Barry O.? Any true leader would have immediately flown to Texas to be with the Fort Hood family in this calamity. Any true leader would have shut down Congress so we could mourn. But not Barry. He and his boys of the Socialist inclination were so engrossed in changing America, they were in Washington. That should tell us of the priorities he has. Forget America, forget the calamities, forget the military, go after Socialism and Control and Power. That is first and foremost on his mind.
Shouldnt this tell us something about his character and his priorities (as if we did not know it after nearly two years). Is this how a Leader should act? Of course not. Who ever said Barry was a leader? He isnt and never was and never will be. His whole purpose in life is to be loved and adored and admired by his fans. Not to lead.
Perhaps he is in a sense leading us . . . to his promised land of equality among all, of European style Socialism and World non-power. I for one do not want to be lead like sheep to the slaughter for his own skewed world view.
Where was our beloved Leader, the self described messiah, Barry O.? Any true leader would have immediately flown to Texas to be with the Fort Hood family in this calamity. Any true leader would have shut down Congress so we could mourn. But not Barry. He and his boys of the Socialist inclination were so engrossed in changing America, they were in Washington. That should tell us of the priorities he has. Forget America, forget the calamities, forget the military, go after Socialism and Control and Power. That is first and foremost on his mind.
Shouldnt this tell us something about his character and his priorities (as if we did not know it after nearly two years). Is this how a Leader should act? Of course not. Who ever said Barry was a leader? He isnt and never was and never will be. His whole purpose in life is to be loved and adored and admired by his fans. Not to lead.
Perhaps he is in a sense leading us . . . to his promised land of equality among all, of European style Socialism and World non-power. I for one do not want to be lead like sheep to the slaughter for his own skewed world view.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Earth to Barry: listen to what people are saying to you
Barry loves Small businesses. He knows he needs them to create jobs. so he is making a special plea to them. Offering them lots of government goodies and incentives. In his mind, that is acknowledging their importance. But he is hearing back (at least they are telling him, not that he is hearing it) that the best thing he can do for them is to get government off their backs, make life easier, less regulation and taxation, and let us do our businesses they way we know best.
That is not registering with Barry and the boys. Their hearing aid only allows one form of communication in: more government. The thought of less government is tuned out. How can they not want government aid. Dont we all agree government is good and the more government the better? What kind of people are they? He is dumbfounded and wonders why small businesses are not applauding his offers.
Listen Barry. Listen. Put aside your prejudices and listen to what they are saying. And then act upon it.
The rest of your term of president can be either great for you or a meat grinder. Right now, your popularity is falling to unprecedented lows, your party has taken a major loss at the polls, and Congress is running straight into a minefield. Listen to them. Get government off their backs. They do not want more government programs, just less government. The choice is yours. how your term (not terms if you do not listen) ends up is your choice.
The people have spoken.
That is not registering with Barry and the boys. Their hearing aid only allows one form of communication in: more government. The thought of less government is tuned out. How can they not want government aid. Dont we all agree government is good and the more government the better? What kind of people are they? He is dumbfounded and wonders why small businesses are not applauding his offers.
Listen Barry. Listen. Put aside your prejudices and listen to what they are saying. And then act upon it.
The rest of your term of president can be either great for you or a meat grinder. Right now, your popularity is falling to unprecedented lows, your party has taken a major loss at the polls, and Congress is running straight into a minefield. Listen to them. Get government off their backs. They do not want more government programs, just less government. The choice is yours. how your term (not terms if you do not listen) ends up is your choice.
The people have spoken.
The Fanatic
The definition of a Fanatic is one who when he knows he has lost and has no chance of winning redoubles his efforts.
Sounds like another definition for Barry and the boys. They seem to be in a major disconnect to ordinary Americans (ordinary for them means citizens from Crossover country who are nothing whatsoever like the liberal elite from the bicoastal weirdness.) Did not they listen in August when the tea parties and representative meetings told the administration and Congress very clearly 1) They wanted priority placed on the economy and jobs and 2) No more big government (which included health care reform and cap and trade energy control). So like regular liberals whose hearing aids are turned off, they went back and preceded to double up on those issues. In November on election day, they got trounced and exit polls spoke clearly, confirming those August announcements. And like any good liberal, they went and doubled up.
Do they not hear what people are saying? Do they even care (obviously not)? Liberals in general only listen to what other liberal elites say. The "Silent Majority" of Crossover country Americans do not count, being hackeyed, rural uneducated, conservatives preoccupied with guns and religion. No, the liberal elites think they know best and damn it, it is their way or the highway. Well this time it looks like they are going to get their wish: the highway only they are the ones heading out of town not the middle americans.
Serves them right.
Sounds like another definition for Barry and the boys. They seem to be in a major disconnect to ordinary Americans (ordinary for them means citizens from Crossover country who are nothing whatsoever like the liberal elite from the bicoastal weirdness.) Did not they listen in August when the tea parties and representative meetings told the administration and Congress very clearly 1) They wanted priority placed on the economy and jobs and 2) No more big government (which included health care reform and cap and trade energy control). So like regular liberals whose hearing aids are turned off, they went back and preceded to double up on those issues. In November on election day, they got trounced and exit polls spoke clearly, confirming those August announcements. And like any good liberal, they went and doubled up.
Do they not hear what people are saying? Do they even care (obviously not)? Liberals in general only listen to what other liberal elites say. The "Silent Majority" of Crossover country Americans do not count, being hackeyed, rural uneducated, conservatives preoccupied with guns and religion. No, the liberal elites think they know best and damn it, it is their way or the highway. Well this time it looks like they are going to get their wish: the highway only they are the ones heading out of town not the middle americans.
Serves them right.
History Lesson
Excerpt from Manuscript found in ruins
"In the End times there was a ruler named Barry.
He ruled over the people with an iron closed mind.
He and his followers said, "Let there be a Health Care policy for all"
and the people said "We want jobs and the economy to be better."
But Barry said, "I know what is best for you. We must have a big government, spend trillions of dollars, Own Health Care, Energy, and most businesses."
and the people said "We want to run our own lives. We know what is best for us."
But Barry said, "I am an elite. I am well educated. I know what is best for you. You are just peons too self absorbed in your own petty lives to know what the world should be like. We know and you should shut up and let us make decisions for you."
and the people said, "give us a break. We are smarter than you think. We know what is best for us."
But Barry said, "Government is good. business is bad. Government should make decisions about health, energy, pay, everything. We, the elite, knows what is best for you. We want everybody to be equal."
and the people said, "You are not hearing us. We said it clearly in August. We said it clearly in November: "Let us be free and make our own decisions."
But Barry said, "But if you do what you want, you will not do what we the Elites know what is best. You will use Gas and Coal not solar and wind. You will eat meat not vegetables. You will drive cars not bike or mass transit. We know what is best for you. Listen to us. We are the Elites. We care about you, you poor dumb uneducated crossover Americans with your guns, your religion, your big cars. "
and the people said, "Be gone. Twice we spoke and twice you did not listen. Three strikes and you are out."
And Fire and Brimstone struck all of Barry's followers and Barry and they were struck down and removed from office.
But Barry said dazed as he left the Big house "But We know what is best. Why did not they listen to us. We are the elite."
and the people said, "Let us be free once again to do as we want how we want when we want."
And there was peace and prosperity once again, until years later when the People let their guard down and forgot the lessons of the past, a new Barry arose.
"In the End times there was a ruler named Barry.
He ruled over the people with an iron closed mind.
He and his followers said, "Let there be a Health Care policy for all"
and the people said "We want jobs and the economy to be better."
But Barry said, "I know what is best for you. We must have a big government, spend trillions of dollars, Own Health Care, Energy, and most businesses."
and the people said "We want to run our own lives. We know what is best for us."
But Barry said, "I am an elite. I am well educated. I know what is best for you. You are just peons too self absorbed in your own petty lives to know what the world should be like. We know and you should shut up and let us make decisions for you."
and the people said, "give us a break. We are smarter than you think. We know what is best for us."
But Barry said, "Government is good. business is bad. Government should make decisions about health, energy, pay, everything. We, the elite, knows what is best for you. We want everybody to be equal."
and the people said, "You are not hearing us. We said it clearly in August. We said it clearly in November: "Let us be free and make our own decisions."
But Barry said, "But if you do what you want, you will not do what we the Elites know what is best. You will use Gas and Coal not solar and wind. You will eat meat not vegetables. You will drive cars not bike or mass transit. We know what is best for you. Listen to us. We are the Elites. We care about you, you poor dumb uneducated crossover Americans with your guns, your religion, your big cars. "
and the people said, "Be gone. Twice we spoke and twice you did not listen. Three strikes and you are out."
And Fire and Brimstone struck all of Barry's followers and Barry and they were struck down and removed from office.
But Barry said dazed as he left the Big house "But We know what is best. Why did not they listen to us. We are the elite."
and the people said, "Let us be free once again to do as we want how we want when we want."
And there was peace and prosperity once again, until years later when the People let their guard down and forgot the lessons of the past, a new Barry arose.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Barry Plays the Orphan
Ever heard the story about the man who shot his parents and threw himself on the mercy of the court by saying he was an orphan? Well we have another case.
Barry and the Boys have been spending money like a bunch of drunken sailors and the hangover is yet to come . . . 800 billion for stimulus, a trillion or two for financial institutions, deficits in the trillions of dollars, let alone the cost for health care and cap and trade. And one day, just recently, it has dawned on him that all this spending can be unhealthy and creates a huge deficit. So he has issued a debt reduction emergency.
Wanna bet on what he decides to do? Cut spending? Ha. Raise taxes. The poor old government does not get enough money from those rich people. It needs more and more and more. They are not paying their fair share. What exactly is their fair share anyway? 50 percent? 60 percent? Under FDR, tax rates reached 90+ %. And we know how well the economy did. Doesn't Barry O ever read history? Or does he merely believe in his own arrogant grandoise ability to change the course of a country.
Perhaps he should take a step backwards and start cutting instead of adding. But Barry will not be satisfied until 100% of the economy is government produced and every employee is a government employee. ANd of course we will all be broke and penniless. But he will be out of office well before then and it will be someone else's problem, probably a Republican forced to clean up his messes.
Barry and the Boys have been spending money like a bunch of drunken sailors and the hangover is yet to come . . . 800 billion for stimulus, a trillion or two for financial institutions, deficits in the trillions of dollars, let alone the cost for health care and cap and trade. And one day, just recently, it has dawned on him that all this spending can be unhealthy and creates a huge deficit. So he has issued a debt reduction emergency.
Wanna bet on what he decides to do? Cut spending? Ha. Raise taxes. The poor old government does not get enough money from those rich people. It needs more and more and more. They are not paying their fair share. What exactly is their fair share anyway? 50 percent? 60 percent? Under FDR, tax rates reached 90+ %. And we know how well the economy did. Doesn't Barry O ever read history? Or does he merely believe in his own arrogant grandoise ability to change the course of a country.
Perhaps he should take a step backwards and start cutting instead of adding. But Barry will not be satisfied until 100% of the economy is government produced and every employee is a government employee. ANd of course we will all be broke and penniless. But he will be out of office well before then and it will be someone else's problem, probably a Republican forced to clean up his messes.
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