Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Myth of the Mandate

Now that Barry has won the election, he is eagerly putting together his first 100 days in order to effect the “Mandate” he won for “transformational Change Of America.”
Let’s see. He won the popular vote by 51-47. However, if you remove the non-votes from the ACORN group(such as the homeless man who registered 73 times to vote) and the extra votes produced by the urban democratic machines (Vote Early and Often)(A Philadelphia repair worker went to fix a broken machine BEFORE the polls opened and found considerable Barry votes already on the machine) and add those votes not counted (military absentee votes forgotten or ignored) and the numbers would be more like 50-48. That is perhaps a majority of voters but hardly a mandate. Nearly half of all voters did NOT give Barry their vote of confidence. Hardly a mandate. Reagan’s sweep of 49 states was a mandate. This was not.

America is still a nation of right of center religious hard working whose cultural values are overlooked because they are to be found in “Flyover country” nowhere near the cultural elites of San Fran, LA, NY, WDC, and Boston. Barry should thread carefully if he tries to establish the elite values as those for the country as a whole. If he tries to do so, the Republican senate minority, still enough to filibuster successfully will shut down his efforts. If he tries too hard, he will be a Carteresque one term President.
Quite frankly, Barry’s view of a Multilingual (everyone learning Spanish so the Spanish speaking illegal’s wont have to learn English), Multicultural (ditto), Multilateral (work with a corrupt UN or fearful of their shadows European Union or NATO) world-view with a “tolerant” society (hint: read Gay Marriages and non discrimination for Gays and Lesbians) that is secular (no religion) and equally distributed (income redistribution) and worker friendly (no secret ballots for unions) and gun free (good bye right to bear arms) and free speech (free for democrats but not free for anyone who opposes or dissents from their version of a liberal society) and abortion (anytime, anywhere, government paid, no parental notice) etc etc etc. You get the picture. This movie plans well in NY and San Fran but not once you cross the Hudson. And Barry, be warned, try to implement these policies and you only thought the people loved you. You sold them a bill of goods and now are trying the old bait and switch. Try to force the liberal Coast elite philosophy down their throats and the Republican win of 1994 will be replayed again in 2010.

That is the myth of the mandate. You did not get a mandate. You won a popularity contest because you were pretty, smiled nicely, and talked so sweet. You did not win because of your policies (you did not offer), You have been warned.

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