Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Barry's World

We have a new President. I will not name him. For I do not consider him my president. If I met him, I would not call him mr. President. I would not acknowledge him at all. Am I being a sore loser? Maybe. Probably not. Just because he can convince 50% of the stupid American public that he is Mr. Wonderful. Just because we are now not electing leaders as President but running a Presidential Idol contest that he won because he was pretty, smiles nicely (I shall call him from now on Smiley Pete), and talks oh so sweetly (although you don’t know what he said). No, to me he Barry the punk, that inexperienced, naïve, young, former Junior Senator of all of 4 years who has accomplished nothing, whose only record is of a hazy set of poorly chosen accomplices and friends, who got by on a Billion Dollars and a Smile. Does he really think his charm and oratatory abilities will cause Putin and Iran and Venezuela and Al Queada to swan and faint at his feet like the American Public and the Main Street Media did these last 8 months? No, of course not. They will take advantage of him to America’s detriment and at some awesome yet to be paid for cost. Yet, the public loves him. And that is all that matters.
So what does Barry’s world look like? It is a world where no dissent is allowed. Nobody can say anything wrong or bad about The Leader, The One, The Messiah. It is one where history can be written and rewritten as many times as it takes to prove Our Beloved Leader believed it (Sounds like 1984 doesn’t it?) It is one where the Government is all powerful, all knowing and all punishing. You like big government now, just wait for Barry’s world. To Barry, government and government service is the ultimate. Forget capitalism and business, businessmen are greedy only interested in profits and government is the only thing between the people and poverty. In Barry’s world, Free speech is that speech that he agrees with; all other is not free and will be prohibited. In Barry’s world, government revenues should be determined in trillions and trillions. What is money but to play with and to reward those that vote correctly (that is for Barry).

The list will go on and on. I can and will write more in the few days remaining before Barry’s world becomes a reality. Barry sold the American populace on one dream and will implement his own version. Barry is the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing. He knew the American public would never agree to the world he wants so he sold himself first and now in power, he can do what he wants.

Welcome to Barry’s world. For those that voted for him, you got him. For better and especially for much much worse.

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