Thursday, July 24, 2008

Obama who to obama No

It is clear that this presidential election is Obama's to win or lose. He won the primary by catering to the ultra liberal elite that controls the democratic party. But in doing so, he has alienated a multitude of groups essential to the election. Recent results are indicating that the more the general public know about the candidate, the less they like him. His flips flops, his past associations, his adamant refusal to accept the fact that Iraq is being won and has been turned around, his non-energy policy, his tax and spend issues, and above all his overt intent to use racism as a tactic against all who would criticize him or vote against him is losing him converts at an alarming rate.

1) Hillary is a lose lose proposition for him. If he accepts her as VP, he will be cast as just another politician and her presence will galvanize conservatives who hate her more than him. If he does not, millions of hillarites will not vote or worse yet will vote for McCain.

2) The more he leans towards the center, the more his liberal base becomes worrisome and more than a few might turn to the more liberal candidates (Nader). The more he moves towards the center, the more he flip flops and few can honestly say what he really means.

3) Although he might galvanize blacks to vote for him (why is it a white not voting for Obama is racist but a black who chooses to vote only for Obama is not being racist but rationale?), but for every additional black vote two or more southern Reagan democrats will switch to vote for McCain.

4)Blue collar voters, key to the Rust belt states of Michigan, pennyslvania, Ohio and perhaps Wisconsin as well, are highly patriotic and tend to support McCain because of his track record. It is likely three or more of these states will go to McCain.

5) Although the media is in awe of Obama and have already crowned him King, many are still uncertain. The Reagan factor takes hold here. In the Carter-Reagan race of 1980, it was polled as a dead heat; in actuality Reagan won by a landslide. What happened there is likely to happen this year as well. It was PC to vote for Carter. And many remarked they would to pollsters. However, when they were in the ballot box, the only people that knows how they vote are they themselves and the God Almighty. They thought to themselves and said I could not in all honesty (and despite the PC) vote for Carter and pulled the lever for Reagan. I foresee a sufficient percentage of these voters in 2008, enough to carry the Rust Belt states for McCain.

My prediction: Mccain 320 electoral votes--all of the Republican L including Virgina, NM, and Colorado, and the Upper Midwest including Ohio, Penn, Michigan and perhaps even Wisconsin
Obama 220.
The Media will be awestruck by the ignorance of the public but the public will prevail for the next four years at least.

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