Thursday, July 24, 2008

Energy or environment

It appears the democrats have never heard about the fine art of trade off and compromise. In the current situation of $5 gas, the need to do everything the country can do to move towards energy independence is critical. However, their response and one that has been their response for decades has been: nothing that will endanger the environment. Not one caribou can be disturbed while Middle America lies in ruins because of oil induced recession. Even the mere thought of a drop of oil on any pristine beach is enough to keep the thermostats in the North at 50 degrees this winter. Forget drilling for oil anywhere, using the oil shale available, or the immense coal resources. The democratic password is alternative fuels (in twenty, thirty, or forty years). No Nuclear. No coal. No oil. What are citizens suppose to do to keep warm this winter or to fuel their tank to get to work? Cut down trees?

The usual Democratic response is to carpool. Most :"fly-over" Americans live miles from where they work and nowhere near their coworkers. Ride a bike or walk: 20 miles?
Move to where they would be close to their work: Sell a house that has been severely devalued over the previous two years while in a recessionary area and buy one near a plant where you might or might not be employed for the next few years. Not an economically attractive idea. Sell your guzzler and buy a hybrid. You probably owe more on the car then it is worth and where are you going to get 30 thou right now? no, none of the democratic stock answers will work in fly over America.

The correct response is to do everything (oil drilling, coal plants, nuclear, oil shade and alternative energy) at the same time and allow the free markets to determine how it all shakes out. Government has never been a good selector of winners and losers and does more damage than it betters.

Democrats--staying the course on this oil (or rather no oil) philosophy will cost you the election this year. Of course, if that is what you want . . . adhere to your liberal orthodoxy regardless of outcome, fine.

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