Saturday, July 26, 2008

OBAMA politician first and foremost

While the media swoons about Obama's trips to the Mideast, if one were
to get behind the glitter and gloss and to the real events, one would find a different story with different implications. The Press telegraphed around the world shots of Barack shooting hoops with the GIs (shades of Barry in College). What they did not show and were not about to (who says they are not biased . . . ) were the treatments accorded Barack to the regular GIs. He basically ignored them, did not smile at them nor shake their hand in his effort to get to his photoshoot opportunity.

This is the kind of man we want as our commander-in-chief? He is the consumement politician and that is all. Nothing new just old as mankind itself. He only wants to get elected and could care less for the men in uniform (except that is, when it suits his purposes for the media). Not a thank you. Not a handshake. Not a nod. They are invisible to him except when it suits his purposes.

Are we going to get Hope and Change. Or much much more of the same thing if Barack were elected? I vote for the latter. The more the American people know him, the more they believe as well and will vote for "old reliable" John McCain might not make the earth move when he talks but his talks straight and from experience.

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