Sunday, August 24, 2008

Two Wrongs

The saying "Two wrongs do not make a right." is applicable to Obama and Biden.

Liberal + Uber-liberal does not equal main stream.

Mr. Gaffe + Mr. "What did you say?" does not equal specificity

Naivete plus minimal equals foreign affairs disaster

Obama + Delaware is not enough to win the election

It makes me wonder why Biden was chosen. Kaine would have helped Obama with Virginia; Richardson would have guaranteed New Mexico and won over millions of hispanics; even Hillary would have firmed up the women vote. But Delaware is already won (and not even worth fighting about).

Oh well. Remember this is the same man who mere months ago said Obama was not ready to lead. A pretty good guess this will be the next McClain ad.

All in all, just another example of poor judgment by one whose Not Ready for Prime Time.

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