Saturday, August 30, 2008

Palin, Hillaryites and Women

John McCain took the air right out of Obama's balloon yesterday by naming Sarah Palin, governor of Alaska as his VP candidate.

Obama has a problem with women. Hillary gathered over 18 million voters yet she was never even considered for VP. 50% of those who voted for Hillary still do not support Obama; 33% indicated they may not vote for him in November; and 20% actually indicated they would vote for McCain. That adds to up 3 million voters for McCain, a 3% gain (actually it is a two fer for McCain, he gets the 3 and Obama loses the 3).

Now comes Palin. According to most polls, McCain has the men's vote and Obama leads the women by only a few percent (traditionally, Demos have 10% or more advantage with women who are allured by the Demos usual 'caring' facade). This time it is not the case. Palin will only make the Demos look worse.

Women who filled spurned after Hillary will take a second look at Palin (and McCain). She cannot help but close the female gap. A few percentage points here and there could make all the difference inNovember.

Inexperience? Ask Barack about that. Motherhood. Labor. Outdoors. Conservative. Oil supporter. She excites the base and rallies the conservatives and evangelicals. Accomplishments? As Governor and Mayor, she has had to manager and administer entities, something Obama and Biden never have had to do.

One last thought. The Feminists and NOW have a dilemma. They have a woman on the ticket. But they will not support nor claim her because she is not the 'right ' type of woman. Their treatment and condemnation of her will show the world what they really are--just another ultra liberal organization in disguise. Mother Theresa no. Atilla the Hun maybe if he spoke pretty, was handsome, and talked the liberal party line.

Good job McCain. You are closer to clinching the championship in November.

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