Saturday, August 30, 2008

Palin, Hillaryites and Women

John McCain took the air right out of Obama's balloon yesterday by naming Sarah Palin, governor of Alaska as his VP candidate.

Obama has a problem with women. Hillary gathered over 18 million voters yet she was never even considered for VP. 50% of those who voted for Hillary still do not support Obama; 33% indicated they may not vote for him in November; and 20% actually indicated they would vote for McCain. That adds to up 3 million voters for McCain, a 3% gain (actually it is a two fer for McCain, he gets the 3 and Obama loses the 3).

Now comes Palin. According to most polls, McCain has the men's vote and Obama leads the women by only a few percent (traditionally, Demos have 10% or more advantage with women who are allured by the Demos usual 'caring' facade). This time it is not the case. Palin will only make the Demos look worse.

Women who filled spurned after Hillary will take a second look at Palin (and McCain). She cannot help but close the female gap. A few percentage points here and there could make all the difference inNovember.

Inexperience? Ask Barack about that. Motherhood. Labor. Outdoors. Conservative. Oil supporter. She excites the base and rallies the conservatives and evangelicals. Accomplishments? As Governor and Mayor, she has had to manager and administer entities, something Obama and Biden never have had to do.

One last thought. The Feminists and NOW have a dilemma. They have a woman on the ticket. But they will not support nor claim her because she is not the 'right ' type of woman. Their treatment and condemnation of her will show the world what they really are--just another ultra liberal organization in disguise. Mother Theresa no. Atilla the Hun maybe if he spoke pretty, was handsome, and talked the liberal party line.

Good job McCain. You are closer to clinching the championship in November.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Guilt Trip

Yesterday (Thursday August 28), the Messiah, The ONE, spoke at his second coming at the OBama Celebrity Fest in Denver. Everyone swooned in awe as his words of total vagueness and non-specificity rocked the audience. The Media pronounced him fit for EMperor (not if only those pesky Republicans would lie down and go away).

Today we are hearing the guilt trip. If you do not vote for the Messiah, you are racist. If THE ONE loses (gasp) it is because America has not shed its racist heritage. And then, the clincher. If he loses, there will be riots in the streets as the entire black nation will rise up. And do you want that to happen? Do you want to be the one to recreate 68 in Urban America. No. Then vote for THE ONE.

It reminds me of Goldwater and johnson. Johnson put out the ad of a little girl in front of a mushroom to denote the evilous Goldwater and his militaristic streak. In essence, Johnson said, "Vote for Goldwater and we will end up over our heads in Vietname." As a friend of mine at the time said, "I did, and we did."

So now we have our warning. If you do not vote for THE ONE, evil things will happen (of course they will happen anyway but it is always nice to put the blame on your opponent).

It is also a good tactic used by magicians: keep the audience focused on one item and you will not see the other. In other words, Keep us focused on the historical first, the inevitability, the even worse calamity if not elected and we will not be concerned that we know nothing about this character let alone what he stands for and what he will do.

That alone should make it easy in November. McCain the sure thing.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Two Wrongs

The saying "Two wrongs do not make a right." is applicable to Obama and Biden.

Liberal + Uber-liberal does not equal main stream.

Mr. Gaffe + Mr. "What did you say?" does not equal specificity

Naivete plus minimal equals foreign affairs disaster

Obama + Delaware is not enough to win the election

It makes me wonder why Biden was chosen. Kaine would have helped Obama with Virginia; Richardson would have guaranteed New Mexico and won over millions of hispanics; even Hillary would have firmed up the women vote. But Delaware is already won (and not even worth fighting about).

Oh well. Remember this is the same man who mere months ago said Obama was not ready to lead. A pretty good guess this will be the next McClain ad.

All in all, just another example of poor judgment by one whose Not Ready for Prime Time.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Europe Going Going Gone

A lot has been mentioned about the decline of Europe. Well it is all true. Whether it is reversible will be seen in a few days. The Russian invasion of Georgia--how else can you put it--can be responded to by the Europeans in one of two ways. It could be a wake-up call that the cold war may not be over and the Russians are not the nice guys they were made up to be. This reaction would entail instantaneous membership in NATO and the EU for Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and anyone else in Europe who feels threatened by the Bear. It could also mean agreeing to dismember Russia from the G-8, boycotting membership into the WTO for Russia, sanctions against Russia and a renewed military awareness for Europe. It could mean reviewing their energy options and pursuing other energy alternatives to make their reliance on Russian energy negligible. And it could mean in the long run renewed and friendlier ties with America and joint military and economic decisions.
Or it could be bury their heads in the sand, pretend it did not happen, hope the bully will go away, rationalize their behavior by saying Georgia is not of significance to Europe, and go about their decadent lives hoping to survive, thrive, another year or two until another crisis jolts them.
Which will they respond? ALl my inner bones hope the former. All of recent history hints at the latter. Let us for future sake hope they choose the right course

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Boycott CHina NOW

At the Olympics in Beijing ramp up, now is the time to force the issue about china. When it won the Olympics in 2000, it said it would be a non-polluting games. Notice all the athletes training elsewhere and then wearing masks around the town. It is far worse than any American city has ever been. Then in 2000 it said it would make the games open and informative for the Press. Now we find the Press is off limits to large chunks of not only the city but the country and bugs and listening devices are omnipresent and the people have been warned not to talk to the worldwide press. This is being Open? Now President Bush rightly critiques their human rights policy (not just Tibet but political prisoners, et all) and he is blasted by china. Does not China know the story about People living in Glass Houses. Hypocrisy cubed.

I think it is time for a general boycott of China. Chinese goods should be boycotted. Perhaps we should rethink buying american. I know it might cost a few more pennies and we may not be able to order that appetizer the next time we dine out, but perhaps standing up for principle is something Americans should do say every hundred years or so. And right now china represents that moment.

Who is with me?

Monday, August 4, 2008

Paying the Piper

Over the weekend, news reports from Obama's visits to various black organizations showed us what to expect if he is elected. Blacks have been voting for BO on a 90-10 basis from the very beginning and was the major element is his victory over Hillary. In all things you have to pay the piper and we are beginning to get a picture of what the Piper (the blacks) want from BO as a price of their unconditional allegiance.

1) Reparations. For slavery for over 150 years ago. A pure handout. My ancestors were not even here then yet I guess I (as a white) am expected to feel sorry and to place immense amounts of money to be transferred to blacks. Perhaps the liberal elites will vote for this as a assuage towards their guilt but I have none and if this were to get out in a big way, most of the non-black vote would leave BO quickly.

2) Additional affirmative action and EEO programs. MLK wanted a color blind society, not one where race becomes the critical element between winners and losers (as it was for him). Reverse discrimination is no better than any other discrimination. As has been proved, doing so actually hurts the black and makes everyone wonder if the person could have made it on his own or did he need the government's help to succeed.

3) And more government monies.

This is the price for blacks support. Perhaps all others, non-blacks, should be telling BO that if he wants our support, there is a price involved too. That is, no more race card, no more race bating, no more racism charges. If he wants to be considered a serious candidate, he must act as one. but of course if he does that, he loses any advantages he has.