Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Newt Gingrich and his Solutions for America released a series of nationwide polls on a variety of American values topics. Non partisan, objective, nationally, the polls represent a valid sample of American opinion. The Key number that continued to pop up in poll after poll was 85%. Consistently through all ages, genders, ethnics, republican=democrat-independent. This was the proportion of Americans who supported traditional American values and actions. Geographically the "heartland" was consistent (the heartland being that part of America often called the 'fly over" part between the two coasts). Coincidentally or not, 85% of Americans call themselves Christian, believe in God, attend church, and believe in Judeo Christian system of beliefs and government. It appears Republicans, independents, and regular democrats alike of the heartland support that belief.
What was time after time and again not in that 85% turned out to be the East-West coasts, urban elite, ultra liberals. These results should give most politicians pause and second thoughts about attacking traditional values. Getting 85% of the people to agree on anything is about as close to a consensus as it gets.
However the 10-12% that fall in the ultraliberal camp could care less about the poll results. They could care less about what other people think. They know in their hearts that they are right. Like any elite, they believe they are right, the people are wrong, and it is up to them to "educate" or "persuade" or downright "regulate" their beliefs upon the rest of America, those little children who do not understand that they know better and know what is best for America. Hillary is a prime example and if elected will do her damnest to mandate the 10% liberal secular progressive values upon the 85% of the rest of us.
Note the war is not between Republican and Democrats. the heartland democrats are moderates and for the most part hold the beliefs of the Heartland. It is them versus us or Liberals versus Almost all other Americans. Thisis what you must think about when viewing 08 elections, do you want to vote into office the ultra liberals who could care less about what 85& of Americans think? or someone who will respect your values? The choice is yours. The future (or what might be left of it) is up to you.

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