Thursday, November 8, 2007

All or nothing

Within the last week a series of articles riveted throughout America in the Dailies. It concerned teacher sex abuses of students. The article indicated 3000 incidents over the past 5 years had be been recorded and how could we as a nation stand for that. Recommendations included more stifling measures such as annual polygraphs etc.
I took a solid objective look at this. The article indicated over 3 million teachers are employed. Even if the incidents are underplayed and 30,000 incidents occurred, that equates out to 1% over 5 years. I agree 30,000 incidents are 30,000 too many, however think of it from another perspective, any organization would be thrilled to have 99% competent, moral and effective employees. Think of it in these terms: 1% of the US population is in prison or jail and another 1-2% should be. We should be thankful for the 99% dedicated teachers we have. If we attempt to go overboard seeking the 1% bad apples, we could well lose many times that many who do not wish to go through the hassles that are being proposed. Criminal checks, background checks, reference checks are already being used. If those were insufficient to find spy moles in the CIA, some bad apples are going to get through even if using polygraphs, cameras in the classroom, etc. In fact, I will predict witch hunts will hurt many more teachers' reputations than finding the bad apples. What happens when it gets down to the proverbial he said, she said situation between a student and a teacher. Who do you believe? Whose side do you take? What do you as a teacher must you do to protect yourself?
But the problem goes well beyond that of teachers; it is a modern culture thing where you expect 100% satisfaction. The No Child left behind act seeks 100%. 100% of anything in a social world is difficult if not impossible. We want our military victories to be bloodless and every casualty is front page. We desire all our products to work perfectly and have no problems. We demand our medicines to be perfect with no side effects. Let's face it 100% is not realistic. To expect perfection is to be set up for disappointment and failure. We demand our children to be perfect and get A+s in every subject and ground them when they disappoint us with a A-. We do not like our nose and spend thousands to get the perfect look when no one else notices. Seeking perfection is a sure road to depression and self destruction.
America settle for more realistic goals.

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