Peace. The Israelis and Palestinians as well as most of the Mideast are in peace talks and reportedly everyone wants Peace. It reminds me of a Beauty Pageant with every contestant wishing for World Peace. But what is Peace? Chamberlain and Hitler both proclaimed peace in our time in 1938 only to see the world's most deadly war break out less than a year later. Chamberlain did not want to go to war and Hitler wanted Czechoslavakia. They both got what they wanted but it was an instable peace. Pacifists say if all of us would only put down our arms and put out our arms to welcome one another, all would be well. But if the past is any indication, world bullies and terrorists would gladly welcome such a situation as they would readily take advantage of an arms-free (except for theirs) world.
We should ask ourselves what does Peace mean to the various members of the peace talks? For Israel, peace means being able to co-exist with its neighbors without the pretext of war. Sounds reasonable right? To many Palestinians and Arabs, peace means having a Mideast without an Jewish state. Three times before, the world has offered Palestinians a state of their own and each time they have wanted the whole thing, both their and Jewish lands. Will they again?
It is up to the Palestinians if Peace is to be achieved. And compromise must be in order. We will see.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Friday, November 9, 2007
Hollywood and You
Remember the war films of WWII. Did they show up while we were at war? Of course not. They politely waited until after the war was over. The Hollywood moguls supported the war and the country. Sure there were some films satirical over certain encounters and even some critical of wars (e.g. MASH about Korea) but these came out after the fact. Ditto for both Korea and Vietnam. But not for IRAQ. Between October 07 and next summer a multitude of films concerning IRAQ will be issued. Their purpose is not to support the war but to badger Bush and the stay in Iraq strategy. Not pro-American but liberal anti-war. this is the first time we have ever had Hollywood bashing a war while in the midst of it. DOes it help the Country? Of course not. Does it assist in the war efforts? Only if you are the enemy and Al Qaeda. Do they care? Of course not. Their entire purpose is to derail the war, make America look bad, and Bash Bush as often as they can be. How are these films doing at the boxoffice? Nul. Crash and burn. Are they surprised more people are not going to them, paying to watch them trash the military and the country? Of course they are. Liberals think all people think like them (or should anyway) and act surprised when they find out 85% do not (Like the old joke . . . two ultra liberal Manhattanites talking to one another could not understand how Bush ever got elected, no one they knew voted for him). Do profits matter? I guess not anymore. Politics over profits anyday they believe (why else would MSNBC offer Rosie O Donnell a multimillion dollar position).
I can hardly wait for a positive pro-military, pro-Iraq film. But I wont hold my breath, at least among Hollywood and American media producers.
I can hardly wait for a positive pro-military, pro-Iraq film. But I wont hold my breath, at least among Hollywood and American media producers.
Black Friday
The Media is rampant about Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving when many retailers get
most of their sales and traditionally sets off Christmas Shopping.
Just for the record I want to list the Herbig Rules for Retailing.
1) Never Ever go to a mall or big box store the Day after Thanksgiving or Christmas
2) Never Ever go to a mall or big box store between Thanksgiving and Christmas
and 3) If possible Never ever go to a mall or big box store between Christmas and Thanksgiving.
So now you have it and my love for shopping. I believe American consumers way over consume, go crazy over needless items they consider must-haves and do not know how to say NO to their children and end up buying anything and everything their child has ever expressed a question or desire for only to see it lying uselessly below the tree totally neglected by Christmas night. We need to cut back our spending and not be enticed by retailers that we must have it or if we donot we are doing an injustice to our family by not providing it or that if we do give it to our child, they will be ostracized at school for not being with it.
Stop shopping and start paying off those bills and saving. Be different for a change.
most of their sales and traditionally sets off Christmas Shopping.
Just for the record I want to list the Herbig Rules for Retailing.
1) Never Ever go to a mall or big box store the Day after Thanksgiving or Christmas
2) Never Ever go to a mall or big box store between Thanksgiving and Christmas
and 3) If possible Never ever go to a mall or big box store between Christmas and Thanksgiving.
So now you have it and my love for shopping. I believe American consumers way over consume, go crazy over needless items they consider must-haves and do not know how to say NO to their children and end up buying anything and everything their child has ever expressed a question or desire for only to see it lying uselessly below the tree totally neglected by Christmas night. We need to cut back our spending and not be enticed by retailers that we must have it or if we donot we are doing an injustice to our family by not providing it or that if we do give it to our child, they will be ostracized at school for not being with it.
Stop shopping and start paying off those bills and saving. Be different for a change.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
What Middle Class?
Prediction: By 2020, America will consist of two classes of citizens: the 5-10% ultra rich who can afford multimillion dollar houses and condos in every city they visit so they do not have to inconvenient themselves by staying in a richy hotel, whose luxury yachts begin to look bigger than naval ships, designer clothes are standard as are $1000 purses, etc. etc . And then the rest of us, the 90% who use to be called the middle class. This two class economic system is not coincidentally the same found in most undeveloped economies. . . which could give you a clue of where the US is headed if unchallenged.
Let these facts speak for themselves: In the last 20 years in REAL terms, tuition rates, housing, health care expenses, utility/gas/oil have all increased by at least 100% if not more (not to mention property taxes and other taxes)while the average real increase for the typical middle class worker (when he/she got any that is) was at most 1%. We all know what food prices have been doing lately. The middle class worker is falling further and further behind. Already, the spouse has been put to work to try to make ends meet. Second jobs if available. Credit cards and home equity have been tapped to the limit to help make ends meet.
Meanwhile millions of blue collar middle class manufacturing jobs, the type that would allow a family to have a middle class income and lifestyle while still permitting the stay at home mother/wife, have mostly migrated to China with millions more to come. White collar jobs such as professional and service (call centers, accountants, software programmers, radiologists) are heading to India in huge numbers (Alan Blinder famed economist as he is estimates as many as 45 million jobs are at risk of offshoring, any job that can be electronically transmitted is at risk). Almost all of these are middle class. Personal service jobs and retail/hotel/hospitality/restaurant jobs are still likely to stay--these, though, are not the jobs that allow a good middle class lifestyle. Add to the millions of jobs of small business owners lost to the Big Boxes (especially Walmart, the nemesis), whose only choice is to go to work for half the wages, and the Middle Class is hurting and it is only to get worse.
Foreclosures and bankrupcies are double that from last year with no end in sight. In my county, 25% of families were helped by the local food bank last year.
The economists solution is to get more education. But that is a farce. After all engineers and professionals, highly educated workers, can still be bought in India for 1/10 the price so all these workers may end up with is huge student loans that cannot be paid back.
The government claims the number of jobs is up, unemployment down, and the economy booming. However the number of jobs is a false number of prosperity. One manufacturing job lost at $20/hr and replaced with a retail job at $10/hr balances out as far as the economists are concern but the person working it is not as well off. The number of unemployed, underemployed and those who have given up looking is not 4% as economists may claim but in the high teens. The economy booming? Come look at all the empty plants and houses for sale in my county and I do not see a healthy economy.
As long as jobs continue to flow one way and replacement jobs are significantly lower in wages and benefits (if any benefits at all), the middle class will continue to hurt and decline. Those at the top (executives, investors, the moneyed class) will one day see a riot that will rival that of Marie Antoinette's Let them eat Cake when all those American consumers they had been counting on no longer have cash or assets to buy all those items made overseas. And then we will see a really third world country that once called itself America and great.
Let these facts speak for themselves: In the last 20 years in REAL terms, tuition rates, housing, health care expenses, utility/gas/oil have all increased by at least 100% if not more (not to mention property taxes and other taxes)while the average real increase for the typical middle class worker (when he/she got any that is) was at most 1%. We all know what food prices have been doing lately. The middle class worker is falling further and further behind. Already, the spouse has been put to work to try to make ends meet. Second jobs if available. Credit cards and home equity have been tapped to the limit to help make ends meet.
Meanwhile millions of blue collar middle class manufacturing jobs, the type that would allow a family to have a middle class income and lifestyle while still permitting the stay at home mother/wife, have mostly migrated to China with millions more to come. White collar jobs such as professional and service (call centers, accountants, software programmers, radiologists) are heading to India in huge numbers (Alan Blinder famed economist as he is estimates as many as 45 million jobs are at risk of offshoring, any job that can be electronically transmitted is at risk). Almost all of these are middle class. Personal service jobs and retail/hotel/hospitality/restaurant jobs are still likely to stay--these, though, are not the jobs that allow a good middle class lifestyle. Add to the millions of jobs of small business owners lost to the Big Boxes (especially Walmart, the nemesis), whose only choice is to go to work for half the wages, and the Middle Class is hurting and it is only to get worse.
Foreclosures and bankrupcies are double that from last year with no end in sight. In my county, 25% of families were helped by the local food bank last year.
The economists solution is to get more education. But that is a farce. After all engineers and professionals, highly educated workers, can still be bought in India for 1/10 the price so all these workers may end up with is huge student loans that cannot be paid back.
The government claims the number of jobs is up, unemployment down, and the economy booming. However the number of jobs is a false number of prosperity. One manufacturing job lost at $20/hr and replaced with a retail job at $10/hr balances out as far as the economists are concern but the person working it is not as well off. The number of unemployed, underemployed and those who have given up looking is not 4% as economists may claim but in the high teens. The economy booming? Come look at all the empty plants and houses for sale in my county and I do not see a healthy economy.
As long as jobs continue to flow one way and replacement jobs are significantly lower in wages and benefits (if any benefits at all), the middle class will continue to hurt and decline. Those at the top (executives, investors, the moneyed class) will one day see a riot that will rival that of Marie Antoinette's Let them eat Cake when all those American consumers they had been counting on no longer have cash or assets to buy all those items made overseas. And then we will see a really third world country that once called itself America and great.
Drop Outs anonymous
New reports are arising about the 'dropout' factories that exist in many American schools.
Hundreds of high schools have final graduation rates of less than 50% of those who enter as freshmen. A disgrace. Yes it is. In this technology driven economy when if are behind if you do not have a bachelor's degree, what can you do without a High School diploma? Work at Burger King? Manual labor at an assembly line that will soon be moved to China? Mow laws and personal services? No, life without a high school degree is not a pleasant item to consider. Yet millions of young men and women do so, much to their regret. Many recommendations have been considered which will require billions of dollars and thousands of highly trained personnel.
I have another idea which will not cost a dime. Simply require students to remain in school until their 18th birthday. What a novel approach. Many students under such a requirement will accept the inevitable and graduate since so little extra effort would be required. Exceptions? Three exceptions would be given: a student taking college courses or early admission in an institute of higher education; entering one of the military armed services (a GED could be provided for those with a year or so to finish), or entering an accredited apprentice or skilled workforce program (welding, machine operator, etc) with earning GED as part of the program.
We do not have to have a drop out problem; we bring it upon ourselves. IF we do not wish to have it, do not allow it as an option. How simple could it be?
Hundreds of high schools have final graduation rates of less than 50% of those who enter as freshmen. A disgrace. Yes it is. In this technology driven economy when if are behind if you do not have a bachelor's degree, what can you do without a High School diploma? Work at Burger King? Manual labor at an assembly line that will soon be moved to China? Mow laws and personal services? No, life without a high school degree is not a pleasant item to consider. Yet millions of young men and women do so, much to their regret. Many recommendations have been considered which will require billions of dollars and thousands of highly trained personnel.
I have another idea which will not cost a dime. Simply require students to remain in school until their 18th birthday. What a novel approach. Many students under such a requirement will accept the inevitable and graduate since so little extra effort would be required. Exceptions? Three exceptions would be given: a student taking college courses or early admission in an institute of higher education; entering one of the military armed services (a GED could be provided for those with a year or so to finish), or entering an accredited apprentice or skilled workforce program (welding, machine operator, etc) with earning GED as part of the program.
We do not have to have a drop out problem; we bring it upon ourselves. IF we do not wish to have it, do not allow it as an option. How simple could it be?
All or nothing
Within the last week a series of articles riveted throughout America in the Dailies. It concerned teacher sex abuses of students. The article indicated 3000 incidents over the past 5 years had be been recorded and how could we as a nation stand for that. Recommendations included more stifling measures such as annual polygraphs etc.
I took a solid objective look at this. The article indicated over 3 million teachers are employed. Even if the incidents are underplayed and 30,000 incidents occurred, that equates out to 1% over 5 years. I agree 30,000 incidents are 30,000 too many, however think of it from another perspective, any organization would be thrilled to have 99% competent, moral and effective employees. Think of it in these terms: 1% of the US population is in prison or jail and another 1-2% should be. We should be thankful for the 99% dedicated teachers we have. If we attempt to go overboard seeking the 1% bad apples, we could well lose many times that many who do not wish to go through the hassles that are being proposed. Criminal checks, background checks, reference checks are already being used. If those were insufficient to find spy moles in the CIA, some bad apples are going to get through even if using polygraphs, cameras in the classroom, etc. In fact, I will predict witch hunts will hurt many more teachers' reputations than finding the bad apples. What happens when it gets down to the proverbial he said, she said situation between a student and a teacher. Who do you believe? Whose side do you take? What do you as a teacher must you do to protect yourself?
But the problem goes well beyond that of teachers; it is a modern culture thing where you expect 100% satisfaction. The No Child left behind act seeks 100%. 100% of anything in a social world is difficult if not impossible. We want our military victories to be bloodless and every casualty is front page. We desire all our products to work perfectly and have no problems. We demand our medicines to be perfect with no side effects. Let's face it 100% is not realistic. To expect perfection is to be set up for disappointment and failure. We demand our children to be perfect and get A+s in every subject and ground them when they disappoint us with a A-. We do not like our nose and spend thousands to get the perfect look when no one else notices. Seeking perfection is a sure road to depression and self destruction.
America settle for more realistic goals.
I took a solid objective look at this. The article indicated over 3 million teachers are employed. Even if the incidents are underplayed and 30,000 incidents occurred, that equates out to 1% over 5 years. I agree 30,000 incidents are 30,000 too many, however think of it from another perspective, any organization would be thrilled to have 99% competent, moral and effective employees. Think of it in these terms: 1% of the US population is in prison or jail and another 1-2% should be. We should be thankful for the 99% dedicated teachers we have. If we attempt to go overboard seeking the 1% bad apples, we could well lose many times that many who do not wish to go through the hassles that are being proposed. Criminal checks, background checks, reference checks are already being used. If those were insufficient to find spy moles in the CIA, some bad apples are going to get through even if using polygraphs, cameras in the classroom, etc. In fact, I will predict witch hunts will hurt many more teachers' reputations than finding the bad apples. What happens when it gets down to the proverbial he said, she said situation between a student and a teacher. Who do you believe? Whose side do you take? What do you as a teacher must you do to protect yourself?
But the problem goes well beyond that of teachers; it is a modern culture thing where you expect 100% satisfaction. The No Child left behind act seeks 100%. 100% of anything in a social world is difficult if not impossible. We want our military victories to be bloodless and every casualty is front page. We desire all our products to work perfectly and have no problems. We demand our medicines to be perfect with no side effects. Let's face it 100% is not realistic. To expect perfection is to be set up for disappointment and failure. We demand our children to be perfect and get A+s in every subject and ground them when they disappoint us with a A-. We do not like our nose and spend thousands to get the perfect look when no one else notices. Seeking perfection is a sure road to depression and self destruction.
America settle for more realistic goals.
China and You
I read about another toy recall today. The toys were made in where else but China. Lead paint. Now Date rape drug. China's usual response: to badger the companies and complain about unfair treatment in the US. After the last recall Mattel actually APOLOGIZED to China. Tail wagging dog again? China thinks it is king and we ought to kowtow to it. Arent they shipping cheap cheap goods to US. Isnt that enough? Add health, environment, and safety standards? Hey we're china we dictate not you. Perhaps the Democrats are correct. Part of any trade negotiations should include setting standards. Either that or ALL goods incoming to the US must meet the higher standards we have. I have another idea. A really really far fetched one. Why dont we start manufacturing goods in the good old USA again. Far out. Who would have ever thought of that. Then we dont have to worry about standards since they would be built in. But then we might actually have to pay a few cents more. And instead of cheap quality get some actually quality and durability. What a novel idea. We might even get more employment out of the deal. Workers who would be paid enough to be able to afford to buy the good. Hey wasnt this Henry Ford who first had the idea. One hundred years ago. Not a bad notion at that. Huh. Might work.
Should we try it?
Should we try it?
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Newt Gingrich and his Solutions for America released a series of nationwide polls on a variety of American values topics. Non partisan, objective, nationally, the polls represent a valid sample of American opinion. The Key number that continued to pop up in poll after poll was 85%. Consistently through all ages, genders, ethnics, republican=democrat-independent. This was the proportion of Americans who supported traditional American values and actions. Geographically the "heartland" was consistent (the heartland being that part of America often called the 'fly over" part between the two coasts). Coincidentally or not, 85% of Americans call themselves Christian, believe in God, attend church, and believe in Judeo Christian system of beliefs and government. It appears Republicans, independents, and regular democrats alike of the heartland support that belief.
What was time after time and again not in that 85% turned out to be the East-West coasts, urban elite, ultra liberals. These results should give most politicians pause and second thoughts about attacking traditional values. Getting 85% of the people to agree on anything is about as close to a consensus as it gets.
However the 10-12% that fall in the ultraliberal camp could care less about the poll results. They could care less about what other people think. They know in their hearts that they are right. Like any elite, they believe they are right, the people are wrong, and it is up to them to "educate" or "persuade" or downright "regulate" their beliefs upon the rest of America, those little children who do not understand that they know better and know what is best for America. Hillary is a prime example and if elected will do her damnest to mandate the 10% liberal secular progressive values upon the 85% of the rest of us.
Note the war is not between Republican and Democrats. the heartland democrats are moderates and for the most part hold the beliefs of the Heartland. It is them versus us or Liberals versus Almost all other Americans. Thisis what you must think about when viewing 08 elections, do you want to vote into office the ultra liberals who could care less about what 85& of Americans think? or someone who will respect your values? The choice is yours. The future (or what might be left of it) is up to you.
What was time after time and again not in that 85% turned out to be the East-West coasts, urban elite, ultra liberals. These results should give most politicians pause and second thoughts about attacking traditional values. Getting 85% of the people to agree on anything is about as close to a consensus as it gets.
However the 10-12% that fall in the ultraliberal camp could care less about the poll results. They could care less about what other people think. They know in their hearts that they are right. Like any elite, they believe they are right, the people are wrong, and it is up to them to "educate" or "persuade" or downright "regulate" their beliefs upon the rest of America, those little children who do not understand that they know better and know what is best for America. Hillary is a prime example and if elected will do her damnest to mandate the 10% liberal secular progressive values upon the 85% of the rest of us.
Note the war is not between Republican and Democrats. the heartland democrats are moderates and for the most part hold the beliefs of the Heartland. It is them versus us or Liberals versus Almost all other Americans. Thisis what you must think about when viewing 08 elections, do you want to vote into office the ultra liberals who could care less about what 85& of Americans think? or someone who will respect your values? The choice is yours. The future (or what might be left of it) is up to you.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Three months before the primaries, nine months before the conventions and one year the election, political opinion has all but delivered the presidency to Hillary. But lots can happen in a year. Ask Bush the father who in April 91 was near to God after his victory in Kuwait/Iraq only to see a recession and tax bill wipe out his chances for a second term.
Hillary only has to open her mouth to lose. She is a political puppet echoing back poll results and prepared statements. Anytime she adlibs or gets away from well rehearsed lines, she flobs it. She waffles and does not answer the question since as any politician knows too well, anything you say will make somebody mad and she does not want to do that. But a leader is a different creature, willing to stand up for his beliefs knowing somepeople somewhere will be upset. She knows that her only way to winning is to create a persona that is 180 degrees opposite from what she really is. Sell a bill of goods to the voters to get in office wherein she will then be able to do what she wants without regard . . . raise taxes, increase drastically government, mandated health care, the entire ultra liberal platform. The more people get to know her, the real her, the arrogant, vicious, destructive side of her personality, the more they will vote against her. Already nearly 40% of the populace indicate in polls they would rather vote for the man int he moon than Hillary. That is a sizeable uphill battle no matter if Bill is her husband (and he has as many negatives).
No, it is ABC time, Anybody But Clinton. By attacking her and forcing her to respond impromptu, she is beginning to make a fool of herself and her personal beliefs beginning to get out. If she insists to continue to waffle, her indecisiveness will cost her support (do you really want a president who will conduct a poll of the people to see what they would like to do in the midst of a national crisis?)
No, despite all predictions I am not even sure she will be the democrat's final candidate come summer08. Too much baggage. Bill does not help with the general public. And come next November if hillary is still around, it will be 53-47 Republicans with over 300 electoral votes no matter who the nominee will be. The sooner the publics gets to know this nasty revengeful lady for whom she really is and what she is likely to do if she would ever get in office, the more they will say goodbye and good riddance.
Hillary only has to open her mouth to lose. She is a political puppet echoing back poll results and prepared statements. Anytime she adlibs or gets away from well rehearsed lines, she flobs it. She waffles and does not answer the question since as any politician knows too well, anything you say will make somebody mad and she does not want to do that. But a leader is a different creature, willing to stand up for his beliefs knowing somepeople somewhere will be upset. She knows that her only way to winning is to create a persona that is 180 degrees opposite from what she really is. Sell a bill of goods to the voters to get in office wherein she will then be able to do what she wants without regard . . . raise taxes, increase drastically government, mandated health care, the entire ultra liberal platform. The more people get to know her, the real her, the arrogant, vicious, destructive side of her personality, the more they will vote against her. Already nearly 40% of the populace indicate in polls they would rather vote for the man int he moon than Hillary. That is a sizeable uphill battle no matter if Bill is her husband (and he has as many negatives).
No, it is ABC time, Anybody But Clinton. By attacking her and forcing her to respond impromptu, she is beginning to make a fool of herself and her personal beliefs beginning to get out. If she insists to continue to waffle, her indecisiveness will cost her support (do you really want a president who will conduct a poll of the people to see what they would like to do in the midst of a national crisis?)
No, despite all predictions I am not even sure she will be the democrat's final candidate come summer08. Too much baggage. Bill does not help with the general public. And come next November if hillary is still around, it will be 53-47 Republicans with over 300 electoral votes no matter who the nominee will be. The sooner the publics gets to know this nasty revengeful lady for whom she really is and what she is likely to do if she would ever get in office, the more they will say goodbye and good riddance.
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