Monday, October 8, 2007


Third quarter numbers are in and it is official: Hillary wins. That was the headlines. What did she win? Not the popular vote but the $$$ vote. At this time of year the media follows not popular opinion but who has raised the most money. Does anyone else than me find this disgusting? First in the modern era, to run for President you must have nothing else to do for 2 years, have access to $100 million (just to win the primary), and know how to seduce the press and public. Some of our finest presidents such as Abe lincoln and Harry Truman, never rich, would never have qualified. Is America's future going to be which billionaire wants the presidency? Is that what we want? Secondly, I thought political races were about votes not money. When Barrack is downgraded because he failed to raise the same amount of money as Hillary, what does that prove? Absolutely nothing. One billionaire and he could be ahead in no time. In the end it comes down to popular opinion. The way the media is held is disdain and the way most politicians are disliked, heavy ad campaigns will only further irritate the american people.
I wonder about the future of this country and the leaders we are creating. Not statesman but moneyed politicians who can literally buy races. Should not we take a step back and rethink this and the potential fatal future it bodes for democracy?

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