Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The Race Card

Afro Americans have been surpassed by Hispanics as the number one minority in our Country. But their poltical power still exists, especially in the field of Affirmative Action. It is true that slavery is a chapter in our country's history that cannot be denied nor should it. THe civil rights struggles of the sixties and the apartheid conditions in the century proceeding also is not a chapter we would want to repeat. But all of that is behind us. We are bascially now a color blind country. But many Afro Americans cannot put the past behind them and get on with life. Everywhere they look they see prejudice. OJ Simpson in the nineties and Michael Vick today. Regardless of if they were guilty, racism is the cause. In my teaching days, I had many Afro-Americans. I always graded according to their work. But give them a poor grade because their paper was lousy, and the race card would come out, "It is because I am black," etc.etc. It is meant to put one on the defensive and it does since in our society, any indication of prejudice can cost one a job, a career, one's life (Just ask Sommers previously from Harvard)

If one were to look objectively, one could say, America is truly not a color blind counry. In fact, with affirmative action policies in existence, Afro-Americans are actually given priority over whites. (ever see "Minority and women especially encouraged to apply" in want ads?)(IAffirmative action is meant to righten the wrongs of the past. But MLK Jr said it right when he encouraged a color blind society not one which lingers on.

For Afro-Americans, barriers to moving up in society is not a matter of racism but a matter of culture. In many Afro-American communities, academic life is considered "white" and not an acceptable means. Rather it is sports, drugs, gangs. Teen pregnancy and out of wedlock children, Welfare and getting as much as possible out of the system seem to be prevalent cultural traits accepted. Until the community culture is changed to encourage marriage, hard work, academic learning, then the cycle will continue. Bill Cosby recognizes this and has spoken repeatedly about it (and for his efforts is called a sell out by the black community). Clarence Thomas who should be considered a role model is called white.

The Democratic party considers the Afro-American community theirs and any black who wonders off the plantation to (gash) become a Republican must be thrown to the wolves as an example for others not to stray. Their comments, vote democratic and we will keep the goodies (welfare, housing, affirmative action) coming. This is not good for the black community to be taken for granted. And beyond their votes, the Democrats have nothing to offer.

Lets go back to the MLK Jr color blind society. No affirmative action. No special favors. Reward based on merit.
Not racism but merit.

No doubt if Obama is either the Presidental or VP candidate for the Democrats next year, and if you dont vote for him, you will be called Racist. The race card, if overused, becomes meaningless.

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