Monday, October 27, 2008

A Clear Choice

As I write this it is 8 days until election day. . . perhaps the most important election day this country will see this century . . . offering a clear choice.

Will the USA become the United States Socialist Republic with a massive government, government control of the economy and health care, massive redistribution of the wealth, class warfare at its worst, an imminent depression, a massive effort by the liberal left to rig the electoral process for all time through redefining hate crimes (as anyone voicing opposition of the government or its beloved leader), cutting down on free speech through intimidation and reimplementation of the Media Airwaves rule, same day voter registration thus allowing ACORN to make Chicago (vote early and often) the rule for the entire nation, extending voting rights and citizenship to all illegals in the country, and by buying off the 50% that do not pay taxes at the cost of those who do (class warfare again), creating an obligation to vote for the liberals forever.

a center right government that is more in tune with the vast majority of the country (85% who say they are Christian and believe in God, are Patriotic and believe in this Country, and want drill here anywhere, want less government, want less intrusion in their lives by the big brother government, want to keep the money they have earned the hard way,

it is your choice. Mine is Clear. I may not always agree with McCain or love his VP pick but to be honest he is the lesser of two evils. At least we have a chance to keep this country running if he is elected. If Barry, The One, The Messiah, i am Awesome, Look at Me, Bow Down and worship me, Obama is elected, with a democratic congress that is filibuster proof, we are headed for major depression, major diplomatic and military crises within months, a further breakdown of the economy and what could very well be a major attempt to impose one party rule. Go with the certain, the experienced, the tried and true not the naive, inexperienced, talker who expects to woo the dictators and agressors with his tongue the way he has wooed and cast a spell upon those that are gullible and innocent (the young and the liberals).
Too many of us old guys remember Carter, Clinton, remember the true JFK who was tried and tested by Krushchev and found lacking and almost caused a nuclear war. Won't we ever learn our lessons.

Is this election going to be a form of American Idol for President, the selection of the most prettiest, smootest talker or are we going to vote for a leader, a veteran. Harry Truman was not pretty, did not flatter his audience, nor was an orator but he was a leader who took the country through 7 hard post war years. We need another like Truman.

vote for McCain and Palin. Vote to give the country another chance.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Speaking of crazed americans, Obama is in the lead again. Now we are in the midst of a financial crisis with hundreds of billions of dollars on the line. And yet the American people (one can never overestimate the stupidity and gullibility of Americans) believe Barry O is the best to manage the country. This is the same man who believes higher taxes and more government spending and regulation is the cure for the country. Ever hear of the expression: the cure is worst than the disease? That is what this is. If Barry O, rock phenomen and foreign IDOL, gets to the White House and loosens his economic plan, a depression is foresure. But why then are people still for him if his presence means an economic disaster? I sure as h do not know.
Stay tuned. Perhaps the American public will awake from their comatose state and rally sufficiently to save the state. One can always hope cant they?

Pigs at the trough: Have they no shame

At a time of great financial crisis, what do our members of congress do? Add pork and earmarks of course. The bill just passed by the Senate has hundreds of pages of goodies and the House has yet to add to theirs. Shouldn't they set aside their partisan habits for a few days anyway. If this is what has come of our country no wonder congress has the lowest favorability rating in history of any institution. If this Congress existed at the time of pearl harbor, no doubt a declaration of war would have taken weeks and would have ended up with a thousand pages mostly of earmarks. No true American would support such travesy.